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Just got back from buffalo wild wings

Still Me

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"Beer on tap"



Ah get outta here with that hipster BS. When I go to a bar, I don't even bother specifying whether it's "on tap". I just say, "get me some malt liquor, and that's that, bro" and they squirm and acquiesce. And why is that you wonder? Because I'm an alpha male, and the repercussions of defying my orders are not desirable whatsoever. They could never go back to work again and face their everyday patrons if they dared to deny me because what would happen next would end up on all kinds of viral videos on the internet, and, quite honestly, I don't want the attention, but people would be talking about what a badass I was in "that video" for eons, if it ever got to that point. So just serve me my beer, ya little hipster.  :it:

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