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I'm doing my darndest to bring more people to this place!! HOTTIES


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please zeni, i'm not sure i'm comfortable with you advertising us through your internet dating creepery.


I had to make sure that she probably wouldn't find this place since UEMB on a google search doesn't bring you here until you peruse a few pages, and I fear what she'll think if she ever sees the lies that have been spread about me on the internet because she's just a young, impressionable 18 year old woman, but anyway it'll be hard to get her into my pajamas since she lives in Manhattan, has a wide age range that she's open to dating, and is quite sexy.


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Honestly, I think women are put off by your charisma and the fact that you bleed testosterone.


I mean, if you look at a woman, she'll get pregnant.


Nothing you can do, besides maybe maiming your face, so as to lure the ladies in.

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