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Do bitches still love men with muscles?


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Or are slightly chubby guys with bushy beards the hip new thing?


Asking for a friend.

I'm not a bitch but I like men with muscles



and chubby guys with beards...of which I am one


the only kinda guys I don't like are super skinny pasty guys with long torsos and no butts

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they better be or i'm going to the gym for no reason

You know, I just realized... The joke here was supposed to be that I fit the chubby beard guy category. But I've actually thinned out quite a bit recently, so the joke doesn't really work. <. <
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the only kinda guys I don't like are super skinny pasty guys with long torsos and no butts

I actually have a pretty decent butt, I must say. Though I am getting thinner, but I don't think I'll ever be lanky again.


And I certainly don't have a long torso. I'm five feet tall, nothing about me is long.  :|

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