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X-Men you mean.



The only scenes I can remember are when Wolverine saves that teenage girl with the truck, I think Magneto gets blasted off the Statue of Liberty into a ship by Storm, ummmm Pyro or somebody sets a fire in Professor X's school, Wolverine fights that girl or whatever and can't find out the secret to his past, and then all out battle royale in the last stand. Yeah that's about it... Oh wait, but I remember scenes from The Wolverine too. Think they were fighting on top of some circular tower or something.


Oh yeah and when Jubilee I believe kisses her boyfriend, wish it could have been me, and he nearly dies, or I think that was Rogue actually whatever


Rogue kiss was cool. I also like the love triangle between wolverine cyclops and jean.


When I first saw X-Men I thought for sure that Wolverine was trying to get with Rogue, which was weird because she was a kid and he was a grown man with a beard.


You would think that zeni :D


My feeling has always been that everybody's felt that way after seeing the first half hour of X-Men. How could you of all people not feel that sexual tension?


He was like her big brother, dood.


Now the tension btwn him and jean? So hawt.


From the original X-Men movie, I recall the first hour there being a lot of romantic tension between Logan and Rogue. Seemed like they were about to get a room nearly


If you were Logan in that movie, you would've totally sealed the deal!

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