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would it be cool with you guys if we started a generic fap thread here?

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You mean with real women correct?




It means anything goes basically. There will be some kind of limitation though.. I mean no microwave porn... sorry hubbb.


It will be a female hotness thread. Any genre. So 3-D too.


And a male hotness thread for all the fags for all the bisexual people here.






That's pointless I don't think theres anybody here that isn't already  well versed in porn.


Its in the tradition of the 2-D fap thread over in Anime. Did you ever go over there??


I remember seeing a bunch of "male/female hotness threads, but no I didn't spend much time in the


anime folder.


Well I think 3-D is pig disgusting.  :barf:


I posted that thread a couple days ago about that really good animated porno film I watched.


Here, let me go bump it.


No it just pics. In the grand tradition of Conanwang's fap thread.

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