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i now unfollow pregnant people on facebook for at least a year

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after the 500,000th "mommy meme" i think i'm about ready to just delete them. THIS IS MY ULTRASOUND LAST WEEK, THIS IS IT TODAY, BEING A MOM IS GREAT. jesus christ shut up


I feel like I should now get a Facebook thingie and post nothing but updates of all the birds that show up at the feeder and the various things my cat does.

see but that would be funny and i'd be ok with that


i could see myself being the same way if I had a kid...but honestly I tend to ignore them...the one thing I can't stand...is the lovey feely shit about "my mom is the bestest" ...or "daddy's girl" poems.... and don't  get me started on the "share this saying amen and money will come to you by the end of the month"....NO FUCKING SHIT...it's called a job you twat...and if you don't have a job its welfare you lazy fuck

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