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Naruto Shippuden Episode 139 Discussion


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Oh shit yeah that Philles pic


Forgot about that one, and he didn't even put a spoiler in

yeah, also I stopped bumping the male hawtness thread cause I was the only one doing it, and I don't feel like wasting time and energy bumping a thread nobody but me cares about
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I was out driving through a Christmas lights trail through this big park.  Very cool.  Took  longer than expected, though!  Place was packed!  More people are discovering it, it seems.  I got home just in time for Hunter x Hunter.  But, I noticed a woman was actually on screen.  I'm about 5 or 6 episodes behind with that show.  Maybe this will entice me to catch up.


Saw Rogue One Thursday evening.  Movie was awesome, crazy, great, had a fun time.  Got a collector tin and cup.  It's more serious and dark, filmed documentary style.  It's a war movie in the Star Wars universe, which people seem to either be loving or not so high on.  I personally loved it and I loved how it went right to the beginning of A New Hope.  The action sequences were just crazy, the things that happened in this movie... and it looked beautiful!


The Leaf Ninja suck so much they can't even beat a guy who is using fake techniques he made up for this alternate persona.  Again, the writing is ass backwards since this is happening after the Madara reveal.


Alright, here we go!  Shino, my favorite character!  Time to kick some ass!


"I didn't get to go on the last Sasuke rescue mission."  He says that like it's a regular thing, hahahaha.  And again FUUUUUUUCK THIS SHOW FOR MAKING THIS THE REST OF THE STORY!  I always figured Sasuke would be gone for an arc or two.  This... bleh.


Why would Transportation Jutsu not be possible?  And why is Shino saying Teleportation is some simple thing, when they acted like it was some godmove when Minato did it in the Kakashi flashback?


Victorious, my ass.  Itachi expired.  Sasuke didn't beat shit.


I want to know what the fuck the plant Two-Bad guy is supposed to be.

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