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notie how the drama here feels organic, rather than fabricated


Don't remind me of that other show. This is a safe space.


Just the animation in Vegeta's evil grin here is better than that whole Super episode we just watched.


Not only did Vegeta let himself fall under Babidi's spell, but he killed those civilians, all to get his rematch with Goku.


I'd like to see you try to stop them, Supreme Kai.


Honestly, sometimes I wonder how he earned the title "Supreme Kai" when his power level is lesser than that of a Super Saiyan's.


I like how they don't even seem faced that a bunch of people just got blasted by vegeta. Like hey we got the dragon balls they can always be brought back to life




I still hate that the show acts like Babidi did nothing


his power is to essentially force a person's inner evil to the surface


HE is the one making Vegeta do this, even if a TIIIINY part of Vegeta was still jealous of Goku


he wouldn't have done this if not for Babidi



also they don't seem very broken up about the people Vegeta killed do they



gee I wonder why



This is the 2nd time in Kai that Vegeta has given in to madness and his pride!


In the Cell saga, Vegeta aided Cell in reaching his perfect form, and now. He might be a "good" guy, but he is too easily swayed back to evil again.


One of the most intriguing characters in Toonami history!




Hmmm, not a bad placement for the topical promo!


You don't know want to know what goku achieved in those 7 years  away vegeta!

He eventually finds out, I would have loved to see Vegeta's first hand reaction if he actually revealed that form in this fight


Tom - We're still rocking the dragon. :D


Poor Bulma doesn't know what to think.


Stop Vegeta and avenge your fans, Mr Satan! :D


Lol 18 is standing back there.


Kai, You know Babidi can hear you right?


They've both gone Super Saiyan 2.  Next time, it's on!


This is the 2nd time in Kai that Vegeta has given in to madness and his pride!


In the Cell saga, Vegeta aided Cell in reaching his perfect form, and now. He might be a "good" guy, but he is too easily swayed back to evil again.


One of the most intriguing characters in Toonami history!




Hmmm, not a bad placement for the topical promo!

well he WAS the most intriguing character in Toonami History, Super kinda wrecked that
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