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My Adventures in Japanese Part I Forgot How to Say 'Two'

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I have seen Furigana used for both in other textbooks and on worksheets for beginners as a reading aid. Also, I took Japanese YEARS before the language became "trendy" here in The U.S. for a bunch of pretentious Weeaboos to sit around and watch Anime. That's besides Japanese student teachers from Japan using me as a T.A. AND having a B.A. in Asian Studies.


I see you edited your post. My mother is a native Japanese speaker.


If you're gonna be this rude, I'm going to share your posts on reddit and make a laughing stock out of you. Let's see who the pretentious weeaboo will be then.


I see you edited your post. My mother is a native Japanese speaker.


If you're gonna be this rude, I'm going to share your posts on reddit and make a laughing stock out of you. Let's see who the pretentious weeaboo will be then.


Actually, you were the one being condescending and rude. Now you want to threaten to share my post on a site like Reddit? Talk about juvenile. And this community wonders why they can't generate new posters? Most people aren't going to stay on a site where the posters need to act like pompous, self-righteous, know-it-alls and nit pick something or someone ad nauseum. I hardly post because this community is unnecessary drama. Anyway, I'm done with this argument.


Actually, you were the one being condescending and rude. Now you want to threaten to share my post on a site like Reddit? Talk about juvenile. And this community wonders why they can't generate new posters? Most people aren't going to stay on a site where the posters need to act like pompous, self-righteous, know-it-alls and nit pick something or someone ad nauseum. I hardly post because this community is unnecessary drama. Anyway, I'm done with this argument.


All I said was "lolwut." I did not insult you, but you then go on to edit your post and call me a pretentious weeb.


This community is dying, so I don't care about that. All I care about is calling out bullshit on language learning, and you're full of it.




All I said was "lolwut." I did not insult you, but you then go on to edit your post and call me a pretentious weeb.


This community is dying, so I don't care about that. All I care about is calling out bullshit on language learning, and you're full of it.




Seriously? Go get bent.


Does that say kinichiwa?

First character I'm lost broken Z is "ki"

Fancy "h" makes n sound

Fishing hook is "I"

Fancy 5 is "chi"

Preggers is "wa"


Second word

Kin?nwa third character of second word I'm lost. I think it will have a B sound cuz of those stokes but I don't know if it's "bo" or "bu" I don't think it's "bu" cuz I think that's crazy arm flapping guy with strokes :D


I'm such a retard :D

I used those words because I was trying to illustrate a point but it's fuggin me up to.

こ="ko" ん="n" に = "ni" ち= "chi" は=”ha" Always remember ん= is short "n” sound  

There are 2 n's in konnichwa romaji. one is just ん... the 'ha' is pronounced 'wa' for reasons

it's easier for better nihongo speakers to illustrate. By the way 2="ni" It came to me when

I read the op, but I thought I was prolly wrong. I studied a bit.  >:D

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