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Ok big changes here.  Piccolo fought the red guy.  Purple guy was killed by Frieza at the beginning of the movie.  Gohan got hit by Frieza, not the purple guy.  So basically, Super makes Gohan look 100 times worse here.


My GOD I am suffering a big case of I Don't Care What I Should Say During Super.


You guys really need to see Resurrection F if you haven't.  This is shit compared what we got there.


Did Gohan really get laid out by a tiny energy blast from some weakling? Come on =(


In the movie he got laid out by a surprise cheap shot by Frieza.  Does this show hate Gohan or what?


Promo spoiler:


Damn, just rip that arm right off there why don't you.



Did Gohan really get laid out by a tiny energy blast from some weakling? Come on =(


Blame Gohan for being a slacker too tho

Or maybe Chi Chi.

Videl's also lost her edge too.


I was stunned when I heard that.


I wonder what Family Guy will do.  Will they give him a proper send-off or just write Mayor West out the series?


I was wondering that same thing!


It would be funny if they did an entire episode of his most unhinged soundbites that ended with him getting impeached, but since his voice is dead, that might be in poor taste.


I wonder if he'll die in the series? I guess we'll find out this fall. I do kinda like how South Park handled Isaac Hayes being fired with the Chef Vader thing but he hadn't died yet at that point!


Anyway, this was quite an enjoyable episode. Nice to see some of the minor characters holding their own, not completely useless! What I wanna know is where in the hell did Goku and Vegeta go with Whis?



In the movie he got laid out by a surprise cheap shot by Frieza.  Does this show hate Gohan or what?

Yes, and Vegeta

I have been watching the sub of DB Super so I am way ahead of this, I actually am taking a break as there is about 8ish episodes worth of filler going on right now before the next arc that i refuse to watch without any actual story line to lead to. That said, I have enjoyed the show thus far, it is pure camp.... like every element of camp from DB Z and none of the serious edginess to be honest. The current arc, we MIGHT finally see some resurgence of gohan. I swear to god though for as much as DB Z relied SOLELY on Goku to save the day... this show is so much worse in that aspect (at least up til the point that I'm at, indications are maybe that will change but i doubt it). I'm starting to wish they would just kill goku.... again.... and leave him dead....


in retrospect it's not that surprising that super is almost entirely comedy based when most of DBZ's filler was entirely comedic, even the filler that were included as part of canon storylines



like Innards of Buu




since super is literally just a series made entirely of Toei produced filler with some input from Toriyama

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