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Episode 97: "A Bittersweet Victory!  Until We Meet Again!"


Recap: After returning to Earth and proceeding to devastate the Z Fighters, Cell begins powering up a Solar Kamehameha, capable of destroying the Solar System.  Gohan and the rest feel there is no escape from this even more powerful Cell.  But a pep talk from Goku changes Gohan's mind.  He launches a Kamehameha of his own to counter Cell's.  With the two dueling, the rest of the Z Fighters decide to fight as well, determined to at least die with pride.  Through a combination of all the Z Fighters, Gohan is able to overpower Cell's attack and blasts Cell with everything he's got.  All of Cell's cells are destroyed, rendering him unable to reform, thereby killing him for good.  The Z Fighters have won!



No spamming, flaming, trolling, hating, etc. 


Falconer was a complete hack.


Guy's an asshole who had people do his work for him and sued Funimation for no reason, yes.


Doesn't stop that there's a good number of people (like myself) who prefer an electronic soundtrack once the science fiction elements in DBZ go into full effect. To me the kung-fu movie-like score feels weird at this point, but in return, it would have felt odd to watch the Martial Arts Tournaments and etc. without said traditional Kaiju / kung-fu movie track.


What happened?

nothing new.......my current theory is that it's just seasonal depression


either way I'm already on Beer one so......brace for impact(''-_-'')


cheer up Vegeta.......at least you get to be alive........unlike Jasper......and Bismuth (that's a steven universe refference, both characters were blatant proxies of Vegeta)


other than it looking less romantic then carrying them bridal style, why does every Z fighter carry their wounded allies "ass-to-face" like Tien is carrying Trunks?


.........unconcious after seeing Gohan kill Cell so....why the fuck does he believe that Mr. Satan did it?




Dumb stupidity, yes we need both words.

I hate this running joke.


Atleast 18 makes him pay a bit, though she still should have kicked his ass.


funny story,

Toriyama did this as a last gambit to stop the publishers from forcing him to make Goku the Protagonist of Z, as he wanted Gohan to be the hero....they insisted he bring Goku back anyway...basically he never got to make Z the way he wanted (which makes me question why he vocally hates Vegeta and not....y'know, Goku, the character he wanted to kill off so deeply)


everyone can see just ho obviously the series was supposed to end here, right? like they kinda bea us over the head with the concept at this point, yeah?


also, though Yamcha's being really pathtic, I'm getting all mushy over how he's known goku the longest here and is cradling his old friend's son in his arms and seeing him off this mortal coil. Poor Kuririn, having his dirty laundry aired out by these thickskulls.

insert Drax's eepest darkest secret laugh here.


Neat review, totally missed this one and never heard of it, looked pretty cool. Love the animation in the gameplay too.


Yeah, that is really weird that they never did Overwatch.

especially considering how huge the game's become I'd dare say it's the most popular online game of the year


so they never did overwatch but instead they do a random game that nobody's probably gonna play in the end....


i feel like we've been getting too many okay to average indie reviews on toonami


funny story,

Toriyama did this as a last gambit to stop the publishers from forcing him to make Goku the Protagonist of Z, as he wanted Gohan to be the hero....they insisted he bring Goku back anyway...basically he never got to make Z the way he wanted (which makes me question why he vocally hates Vegeta and not....y'know, Goku, the character he wanted to kill off so deeply)



Yeah, well I have mixed feelings toward Toriyama.  He made Dragon Ball but he also ruined parts of it with his idiotic ideas.  Also, not sure that info was spoiler worthy.


Did Gku just say that normal people and evil people get the same treatment after death?

come to think of it I think the time Goku spent in hell was filler....so there being a different place for evil people in otherworld may have been an invention of the anime
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