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Everything posted by Shiina

  1. I don't like cocks. I like puppies.
  2. Thats like 4 meals at KFC.
  3. Looks like one of fuggz ex boyfriends.
  4. You just barely made it through.
  5. Shiina


    This is so stupid There is this famous Japanese porn star who holds a sharp kitchen knife next to the dude's cock. Google this if you don't believe me.
  6. This so stupid.
  7. We will begin tomorrow at 7am. Also Yuri is on her period so watch what you say around her.
  8. *chews on bamboo stick*
  9. *arms folded leaning against building* Shiina charge extra for black dick.
  10. I'm a broke ass ninja right now. Let me know if you wanna tango.... just don't let Yuri find out... she doesn't allow this type of shit.
  11. Get the food stamps. And any other benefits you can.
  12. Shiina

    Yo Fuggs

    Bend over for your Broom-enema!
  13. Shiina

    Yo Fuggs

    This isn't Phillies *grabs your shirt* you wanna taste my broom??
  14. This is so... are you serious?
  15. Shiina

    Yo Fuggs

    This is so stupid.
  16. This is so stupid.
  17. You are such a weeb.
  18. This is so stupid.
  19. Have you ever met a gay ninja?
  20. Yui is a demon of the highest caliber. Even Goku and Vegeta are no match.
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