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  1. This kinda sucks. Didn't they just fairly recently announce they have their first female Ringmaster?
  2. If I have it, I will go for fresh tomato and mozzarella with a bit of balsamic drizzled on it. If I don't have that, then I go looking for sea salt & vinegar chips. If I don't have that, I either make cookie dough or order a pizza.
  3. My thoughts echo those that have already been voiced. You are an amazing and strong individual, you will most certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated from time to time to let us know how you are doing. <3
  4. Sure, there are places that do that. I've had it happen twice. Once with Target when I was looking to relocate, they even raised the rate of pay by $2/hr when I told them I would consider their offer. Then the second time was with Toys R Us. I had applied for a part time cashier job, when I arrived for the interview they said they had something else in mind for me... I left with a position as an assistant store manager.
  5. Initially, I wanted to be liked... and I was. But, stuff happened that made me get over wanting to be liked. Now, it doesn't matter, for the most part, what people think of me. The ones that I want respect from, they give it to me. The ones I want to like me, they do. I am content with how my online life is currently... which is spent mostly in hidden status because I have evolved into a lurker due to several bad experiences.
  6. Congrats to each of you!
  7. Luna was definitely an interesting character, both in the books and the movies. The actress that played her seems to be pretty cool too, from what little I've seen of her in interviews and whatnot.
  8. It really does sound like a good idea, and I am liking it the more I think about it. I might even go so far as to set up either the chocolate fountain or cotton candy machine.
  9. I own several different versions of Monopoly and enjoy playing. However, I very much prefer RISK to Monopoly and own several different versions of that game as well.
  10. Totally a thing... at least it is for a good number of people who come from the same area of the country as I do. Though, I have to admit that I rarely heard anyone say it once I left the state.
  11. Not really sure yet. There is an opportunity to go to the Labyrinth Masquerade Ball, except that we did that last year. Might just rent a couple movies and stay home.
  12. Hmmm. I don't often make friends. However, when I do decide to befriend someone, I have always found it easier to do so with men. The only time I ever even bother attempting to get close to a female is when that female is in a secure and happy relationship with long term goals. Otherwise, it has usually been my experience, that women are more trouble than it is actually worth.
  13. It depends. I have a tendency to pick up the terminology of whatever region I find myself in. With the exception of the whole soda or pop thing. For me, all carbonated drinks fall into one of three categories: Dr. Pepper, Coke (for anything with color that isn't Dr. Pepper), or Sprite (for any clear drinks with bubbles).
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