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🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

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Everything posted by 🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

  1. 20191031_195958.mp4
  2. It was bipolar not sleep. Next lol jk I can survive just fine off 6...and then 2-3 only.... or none i can function But im hypomanic a lot these days so i have a lot of energy no matter how much sleep. I maybe drowsy in the morning but im normal by 11am
  3. Taller n fatter. Im 5'9 so u cant b that much taller.
  4. But yer fatter than me LOL
  5. And who also looks 20 years younger than u despite a 2 years of age difference. Maybe u should follow my advise so u dont look like the crypt creeper after another 10 years 🤣
  6. yes it is.. its only 2 hours less than eight. not really gonna impact you that much here and there.
  7. shuddap and i was actually sad i couldnt give u a butthole pic for your birthday. tsk tsk.
  8. no. googling on my phone and crying
  9. Yes i realized I cant change the past. I can only do better going forward.
  10. lol.. also misaka= i ONLY GOT 7.5 HOURS OF SLEEP. IMMA MESS!! LOL!
  11. So what I learned is basically, how to tell someone is in love with you: They miss you when you are not around. They are happy when they are with you. The missing you part was emphasized. more than the happy and enjoy your company part.
  12. you look more like a hagrid tho
  13. im glad i bought tickets to an indoor event. i just feel like its going to be crowded as fuck now.
  14. you know thats pretty good, right?
  15. i love that this is of a black woman LOL
  16. theres going to be straight up lightning storms here tonite
  17. i love that you have finally learned to give people advance warning. i dont know how many threads ive seen go like this you: I'm performing so and so IN TWO MINUTES. BE THERE!! everybody: How am I supposed to get there in two minutes? you: Oh, yeah.. I guess you are right.
  18. too much paperwork and i feel they hurt even more LOL i just go to my doctor's office taking the lil one there today, too
  19. Happy New Year! TAX SEASON NOW YESSSSSSS!!
  20. no one is going to ban me for thinking youre dumb, misaka. everyone thinks you're dumb LOL
  21. you still eat glue, don't you
  22. Fuuuuuuck. I forgot to ask for tonite off. 😭
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