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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. My uncle fought in the Cola Wars, as well. We're a military family.
  2. Don't put a grade on my pain, you monster!
  3. We tried to tell him that shoveling snow with no shirt on was a terrible idea, but he never listened.
  4. He was killed while fighting on the front lines during the Cold War.
  5. Yes, absolutely.
  6. Sorry, I just saw him in a commercial because he's performing here. His eyes looked so dead. <.<
  7. So you're making more money, without having to do more work. That's a win-win right there, my dude.
  8. Who still introduces songs as "something from the new album," even though the song and the album were released 35 years ago. Like his brain turned off in 1983 and now he's just a shell. Or more accurately, a robot, whose sole function is to go out on a stage and go through the motions of a human doing a concert.
  9. Skiles


    As someone who has worked in customer service, I'd be willing to gamble actual currency that you, the customer, were definitely the problem.
  10. I don't doubt it. I've read a few over the years that were way over-the-top, to the point of being almost comical in how crazy they are. It's funny to me.
  11. With Space Jesus.
  12. RIP. He will be missed. Actually, he has already been missed because I thought he was already dead. But still, very sad.
  13. Maybe of the dirty variety (lemons, I think they're called), or just regular, straightforward stories? I used to really enjoy InuYasha fanfiction. There was a site a long time ago that had a few that were actually pretty well-written. It's gone now, though. I used to write them as well, but mostly just as writing practice. I don't think I ever put them out into the world.
  14. Is Blaze located on 420 Dank Street? 8)
  15. Their food is a prime example of "You get what you pay for."
  16. It's not bad. Well, I mean... It is bad, but I love bad food sooooooo yeah.
  17. So you're saving your money by not buying crappy expensive pizza, and instead buying crappy cheap pizza.
  18. So much food, no much money.
  19. Skiles

    Roll Call

    Stop being emo-nihilistic and tell us your damn name, hooker! I'm sorry I yelled at you just there.
  20. Skiles

    Roll Call

  21. Just open your shower curtain, put your wet clothes on hangers and hang them on the curtain rod. Then turn on an oscillating fan and point it on them. This is how the settlers did it, I think.
  22. I guess that's true. I suppose as alcoholics our reference points are different. Being sick isn't like, an integral part of who people are, but for us, the booze IS who we are. Actually, when I was talking to my therapist during our first meeting, he asked if I used to drink when I wasn't working. I told him "No, I used to work when I wasn't drinking." The booze was the centerpiece of my life at the time, and everything else was "also happening."
  23. Did you just admit to using drugs? I can't believe this. I'm calling the police.
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