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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. good luck
  2. you kinda rigth about that you have to get alot views
  3. wow stundet loans must suck
  4. where did the day gone there was so much i wanted to do this sunday
  5. what ? who i am the only ghostrek here
  6. do the no ghost logo
  7. ok?
  8. just asking i am fine
  9. what if ancient aliens was true i am just asking
  10. i am agree you
  11. look once again i have mental illnes do i need to kill my self no i do need to live
  12. i do admint i shit post some times
  13. fuck you i am person with depresion & anger iusses
  14. ok lobster = love can explain why
  15. yes having cats are hard to explain
  16. it hard to explain
  17. sweet but but some times she gives me some odd looks
  18. i guse so but she has personilty
  19. yup she a good cat but the years are starting show
  20. female tabby close to 9 or 10 years old
  21. my cat loves me
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