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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. i can under stand how one has that veiw but i a agree with PhiloipherStoned
  2. dude don't do it really dont you watch the news
  3. ok?
  4. what about ghostrek
  5. name tags people name tags on gifts
  6. it was a joke dude
  7. i am sorry zenigundam
  8. sorry for your lose i hope for the best for your new puppy
  9. it is ok were cool
  10. but you called me that yellow a-hole of nick toon but what ever i a sorry for misunder standing it
  11. i this funny it hurts a little but funny
  12. i dont hit on teenagers plus 21 and above i said
  13. i like little older women the kind are the legal drinking age and above
  14. i know they suck i am not comedy wirter
  15. he was not moron i was making a joke
  16. talking about me
  17. dude really
  18. i do they let him talk becuse of there jobs
  19. that what happen to westpark
  20. i am watching the real ghostbusters on netflix
  21. hello nice to meet you
  22. i think you wrong about it
  23. really that is fucking stupid
  24. dude i wont try rigth it ifiy to do that or have not watch the news in the last 6 months
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