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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Oh damn I remember this actually Wait maybe I'm thinking about the one where people were put into a sensory deprivation chamber for some sort of experiment. Dang idr was way too long ago
  2. Yeah it probably will have Trump in the name because that's who caused it.
  3. What is going to be the word or phrase we use to describe all the dumb events of yesterday? It's not easy to make a catchy date-centric name like "9/11" out of 1/6/21 Has anyone suggested The Bay of Hogs yet?
  4. Or the head of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio? https://www.npr.org/2021/01/05/953685035/proud-boys-leader-released-from-police-custody-and-ordered-to-leave-d-c
  5. Still don't know how big the crowd was but it looks like thousands, and only one thing blue line of cops.
  6. They keep saying the crowd was too big it outnumbered the police but how many Trump people in total came out? Seems like there were very few police. Have they given any estimations of about how many people in total came in from around the country or w/e for Trump's live whatever the fuck today that led to this? I've heard the number that there's apparently 2,000 Capitol police in total on the payrolls but haven't heard how many of them were there on the job doing security, or how big the crowd for Trump was
  7. Stop!
  8. If there was ever the coolest year for the Knicks to win the title, it might be this year. Knock out Brooklyn the first round, take it to LA in the Finals let's fuckin go
  9. The streets won't soon forget this
  10. https://www.scaryforkids.com/runaway-bride/ Ok I found it, I thought it was South America bc i was mixing it up with a slightly similar short story titled "All For Sale" by Ramsey Campbell (couldn't find this story anywhere online, getting the name was hard enough, but I liked it a lot about 10-12 years ago and am fairly sure it was set in South America)
  11. This one's pre-2010 but what's the one where the guy's wife goes missing while they're honeymooning somewhere in South America and he doesn't find her, then it jumps like 20 years ahead and he's vacationing in Asia and comes across some sort of sketchy attraction with a feral woman in a cage and he recognizes her birth mark, it's his wife That one was pretty cool. Pretty sure it's shorter than this post though
  12. No we're all meeting in TN
  13. Nah if, IF I drive out there you're sharing
  14. So there's only one train, and it's from Memphis to some place called Newberry, and also Dyersburg which I've heard is a piss hole That sounds about right. A few yrs ago Nashville was going to build one for themselves, to ferry people across that sprawling terrible traffic overpopulated hub city, but then they pissed themselves about the idea of poor people using it to get close to where the rich people live and tabled it.
  15. What's crazy is every city I've ever lived in in TN still has active freight railroads going through the town, but no passenger train transportation anywhere ime.
  16. Where is there a train? Sorry I'm not following, and at this point am curious
  17. Maybe. There is an airport here. . .
  18. Idk if it's literally true, but there's only the interstate connecting east TN to mid TN
  19. Ofc you and no more than a few friends are always welcome at trash manor
  20. That's not how I live my life tho I'm all about personal austerity and simple pleasures and working as little as possible. I knew you were gonna say Nashville, yeah it's a different time zone and everything I don't like to go there. It gets dark a little after 4pm there right now
  21. Now that's cool, what part of TN? This part sounds alarming, but who am I to advise against fun.
  22. Nah, looks right to me.
  23. Lol, I just got into the Cornette podcast all the AEW guys are always crying about and listened to a past episode where he tore into "Boring Brodie" and AEW for investing in him, and he says "this guy has the smell of grisly death all over him" Very weird
  24. I think she called the manager and the dad called the police after she assaulted his son, but yeah
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