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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. I wonder if in 10-20 years I'll go back and watch everything I've missed from adult swim up until now and regard this as a golden era. Maybe Children's Hospital was great, who knows? I bet it turns out I would love The Heart She Holler .
  2. They should call this folder pod6
  3. I work overnight most Sundays and so sometimes will watch a few of their shows at 3 and 4 AM because I have nothing else to do. This is my only connection to adult swim, I have a sling subscription and still never watch their live or on demand stuff. I do enjoy the relatively light on MacFarlane Sunday night schedule, and appreciate stray episodes of Your Pretty Face, Mike Tyson, Eric Andre, late stage Aqua Teen, the latest Tim and Eric trash, Rick and Morty, and off the air, but only as at-work background noise. Hearing the Sealab theme and then a few hours later a funny Hank Hill line in passing is more often than not the entirety of my Sunday night viewership. VB has slowed to a trickle of a single digit number of new episodes every few years. When shows like metalocalpyse and the boondocks get canceled I always find out long after the fact because who can keep up with that shit.
  4. Capitalism is over
  5. You don't deserve to sport that avatar of a possum holding a liquor bottle *shakes head in disgust*
  6. We are aquatic apes. That's what's up with our weird skin and webby hands Babies are born knowing how to breathe because they used to be born in water, lagoons.
  7. Well have the years been getting better for you as time goes on, or not?
  8. Happy new year ghostrek, 2017 will be the worst for you yet.
  9. So stop messaging them on Okcupid
  10. Might as well call it Sandy Vagina the way these cucks won't stop crying about it
  11. I'm missing how you get their locations
  12. Resolve to quit that graphic daydreaming about cooking and devouring children Stop indulging in those tasty reveries once and for all
  13. Where's Thoward? He was pretty chill
  14. WOW that was messed up of them
  15. Shit was nice. I had my front door open the last two days and nights, with just the screen door closed
  16. Himalayan pink salt lamp
  17. 2016 coming for Mark Hamill in the next few days
  18. Harrison Ford looks on, nods in approval
  19. Idk who he is and dude's name being misspelled in the op invited me to be silly Also everybody hates Chris
  20. lmao please don't
  21. Google is CIA spyware
  22. Lmao Fox news sheep come back w a real source
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