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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. I hate how horny weed makes me when I'm by myself but I love how easy it is to make high girls cum
  2. But I like the way maryjuanuh makes me violently convulse
  3. I hope my phone breaks
  4. As much as you smoke, how do you expect to live to be over 100?
  5. After spending five hours today in wet shoes from walking through grass and drainage ditches for $40 I'm seriously considering it, don't have the stomach for this level of bullshit.
  6. My 2DS battery shit the bed, apparently a common problem, and idk when I'll be able to order a new one so it'll be awhile.
  7. Did you purchase a fucking town house?
  8. He'll be like "ACTUALLY I was getting around to illustrating why I shouldn't have to pay for someone else to have heat in the winter time when there's people who rent overpriced furniture instead of saving for their heat bills and yes these are always the exact same people, trust."
  9. And if ten million make it through you round them up and send them someplace far away. And if that place is horrible that's their problem not our country's. And if that place is horrible specifically because of our country's policies you still do it and don't make any policy changes because America always comes first at the expense of anything and anyone. Do I have this right?
  10. "Some people rent overpriced furniture, so therefore healthcare access shouldn't be a human right regardless of one's ability to pay" There, I skipped to the end for you.
  11. NaBarney


    Anyway we have enough porn right now to satisfy the human race for the rest of eternity.
  12. NaBarney


    I only masturbate to private content that was stolen and uploaded without the consent of the people on film.
  13. I eat folks.
  14. That's the plan but it's such a bullshit job I might go full zeni and not even make it through orientation this morning. Depends when their health insurance kicks in really. If it's 90 days, I might stick around for about 95.
  15. I know, when the hiring manager told me they start at $8 it was only out of sheer broken down desperation that i remained seated instead of pushing everything off her desk and leaving abruptly
  16. Excellent thread
  17. Plasma selling is a great life hack. I'm going to look into selling bone marrow, right now
  18. This happened pretty much every day the last 5 years of Babbling
  19. I'm up at 2am responding to Craigslist ads by "generous" men hoping it's not the police.
  20. Probably died from second hand smoke inhalation
  21. Someone tell me how to change the number of posts per page right now DJ Sona[/member] help
  22. He's trying to piss people off and it worked on me. You did it Packard, you successfully annoyed me with your dumb words.
  23. [YouTube] [/YouTube]
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