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Everything posted by Vela

  1. A chance to recoup and start with a fresh face.
  2. *dances around indifferent smiley*
  3. I thought maybe it was because the first thing I usually do when I get on is go straight to notifications...i.e. I miss things and see them out of order
  4. I changed my react from laughing to thank you but that's what I was laughing at
  5. I just came here to say the same thing. I was like..."Oh...I don't see it yet," followed by "thank goodness," because when it rains it pours and it's like the universe knew I had plans to start a project and, because the universe and I have NEVER gotten along, it decided to throw ten million wrenches into my bike spokes while I was peddling.
  6. I'm making lemon chicken and rice at this very moment. It's later than I'd like to be doing it because I kept getting thwarted at every turn today but I'm starving now so I know I'll enjoy it either way. I'm just posting here while I wait for the rice to do it's thing.
  7. I know you live alone now and I actually do enjoy your (extended) stays but seriously, can you please be a little bit more respectful of the shit I got going on here in my life too? Look around, I GOT STUFF TO DO!
  8. I haven't even looked at the next challenge yet...
  9. I could see that being the case. But I actually see you more as Neutral Good. Lawful Neutrals tend to be like... ... ... umm...like Stannis from GoT, seemingly emotionless to an extent.
  10. Me not voting for myself has little to do with lack of pride. I just DO WHAT I WANT! Lol, it's like how I play settlers of catan/puerto rico or really any game...sometimes I just want my buildings to make pretty shapes or I'm really set on building a cathedral I DON'T KNOW! I see something I like I VOTE FOR IT. My reasons for not voting last time wouldn't even make sense to anybody MY ALIGNMENT IS CHAOTIC GOOD it's just the way I'm built!
  11. This is awesome. Go make a difference!
  12. @Gemini Aw I'm sorry. I was just batten down the hatches (i.e. emptying all the dehumidifiers, turning all the lights off etc.) but I'm really off to bed now. I have a list of stuff to do tomorrow. I hope you can get back to sleep easily. Nighty night hun!
  13. Nighty night!
  14. They certainly were in Farscape. (I can't answer that either, I didn't really know them )
  15. you don't have to apologize...I am completely unapologetic about not being into things like sports or...Idk...enhanced interrogation techniques. Oh man...I'm about to head to bed because I told myself I was going to get up early...I'm on a mission. Or at least I will be on one tomorrow. BUT TOMORROW STARTS NOW!
  16. I can see that too. Like on nights where I don't have much going on. Thank goodness for anime and youtube, I usually have one or the other going simultaneously.
  17. That's really cute. This sort of reminds me of how we called farts "stinkoes" and I grew up thinking that was a legitimate alternate word for them that other people used as well
  18. Whew okay...I was over here thinking I'd hafta travel across country in order to give you a trope head-pat, just to make myself feel better about it all.
  19. I like the slowness too, back in the day I thought I would spontaneously implode if I stepped away from my computer. I actually get stuff done now and am still able to post...casually.
  20. MAKE me. I mean if you can that'd be great, thanks.
  21. oh ...I can't..it's so sad... But you're okay with tomato-y things, right? Like gumbo for example?
  22. I just did left overs.
  23. Noooooooo Idk what I would do without spaghetti and meatballs in my life! Wait...what about things like pizza? Do you have trouble with it in small amounts like on pizza?
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