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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I reacted with a smilelaugh emoji because I had the same exact thought when scoob mentioned the prize. It's not the fear I was talking about earlier but it was definitely one of my thoughts too, only because I've never needed to utilize any of the many types of mailing options out there other than the traditional. I think it would depend on which delivery services the company scoob is ordering from uses? Like I know UPS has what are called Access Points where you can pick up packages from places like CVS or...gas stations...or retail stores. Again, I've never done it myself, but I'm pretty sure you make an account with UPS, pick a location before the package is sent and then they notify you when it arrives. You can google "UPS Access Points near Me," but make sure it's an access point and not something like a Drop Box, I think those are different. However this is just UPS, Idk anything about Fed Ex etc. I looked up some stuff just now. There's a package receiving service called Bounce. There is a fee but you can do a one time thing (for like 5 bucks) or set up an account if you plan to use it regularly. (I'm laughing at myself right now because, to people who do this crap regularly, we probably sound like scared children venturing into an unfamiliar dark cave that turns out to be just some playground structure ) Anyway, Bounce sounds good because they work with a bunch of delivery companies, so you're not limited to UPS etc. I think they even do amazon. Okay, lol, looks like they pick up from anywhere, so if scoob for some reason wanted to drop it off at the fricken post office Bounce would pick up from there and deliver it to a Bounce location that you've chosen. I think that's probably what I would opt for. Unless anybody here knows of a better option. Which can all be discussed if/when the time comes ttldr: you don't have to divulge your address. There are other options.
  2. Gemini is very much the Idea Guy.
  3. I know exactly what you mean. Once individual challenges started my dumb anxiety skyrocketed into panic mode and I started regretting ever participating I was like, "maybe if I fall off the face of the earth they'll forget I ever existed and just move on" Like these challenges were some giant insurmountable hurdle and not just a bunch of weebs kicking it around for fun Our brains are fucken weird! I was legitimately in fear of winning, how does that make any sense? WHY?! Why would you enter a contest if your worst nightmare is winning!!!!!1111oneoneone And it happened EVERY challenge. My point is, me too and... getting over yourself is such a bitch.
  4. Thank you for saying this because I don't know if it needed to be pointed out but just in case, he should know, most of everybody's complaints were very likely "me" things
  5. @scoobdog Before/if this gets locked again I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the work you put into this. We complained about almost every challenge, nobody talked about how you also had your own challenge for each one of ours. I never took for granted the time and thought you put into them. You too buddy. So, thank you guys for putting these together. Thanks scoob!
  6. Bacon, cheese, egg, english muffin. And then I tried to make brigadeiro balls but wound up making brigadeiro de colher (which happens when you don't cook long enough for it to stiffen - I'll get it right next time). Think I'll use them to make vanilla fudge ice cream.
  7. @André Toulon I haven't actually seen the movie...but seeing the few gifs she's in leaves me wondering if the rest of the movie is as bonkers as her character seems
  8. Speaking of I was wrong. It isn't available on prime. I googled too quickly. It's only available on peacock? I'll look further into it because I like rainn wilson and glimpses of cool places.
  9. I will always love Tina Fey
  10. Oo! It's on amazon! Is the Laurelsilva forest "The Enchanted Forest" in Madeira one of the places? Just curious.
  11. Side note: I sort of want to tag the "three demented researchers" and see if ANY of my science-y terms make sense Cause I have absolutely no clue wtf I was talking about... ... it sounded alright in my head though
  12. Well I disagree with your counter disagreement because...
  13. Never let them know your next move...
  14. Nah, imma disagree right back atcha. Because you two are quick on the uptake. Where as in I labor over every single detail so much so that I can't even get a rough draft going. The way I look at it is if I were quicker like the two of you are then I'd have more to work with. The only things that come easily to me are visuals.
  15. I think it speaks for creativity. Both you and disco are miles ahead of me in that respect.
  16. @The_annoying_one I enjoyed the plot twist in your submission, btw.
  17. this is still one of my all time fav gifs
  18. TEAM CHALLENGE As it turns out, Packard was not happy that the 96 Hours of Packard lost to Banana Stickers Day and has vowed to go on a porkchop toasting spree. Your mission as a team is to devise a plan to stop him. 1. Draw up blueprints to any elaborate traps you may conceive of. (can be a description, pic of a hand drawing, there's a free website called sketch.io with no downloading required, pick one form that your entire team is comfortable with.) 2. Put the word out using any of the following: Flyers, mass email, social media, and even YouTube. Please be sure to include any [adult swim] or UEMB personality of your choice. 3. Lure Packard to said trap or traps. Please be sure to capture him ALIVE! Anything that results in Packard's death will disqualify your team. 4. ?????????????? 5. PROFIT! INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGE Brought together by their love of SCIENCE! three deranged researchers who go by the names Insipid, atomicinumatt, and Lasty have been conducting experiments involving splicing and dielectric media. Lured in by the promise of an indestructible Jeep that never needs suspension realignment, never experiences pinion seal or transfer box or A-pillar leakage, shifter cable never bushes, and whose throttle position sensor never fails, Rogue_Alphonse replied to their ad to be a test subject. The result?: he gained the superhuman ability to control photon energies (i.e. he can scramble radio waves all up and down the electromagnetic spectrum. But don’t worry - he uses it mostly to spam your devices with endless walls of emoji. But I mean, with his level of photonic energy you might as well just throw your device away and start over.) THE CHALLENGE: Space Ghost has caught wind of the new superhero on the rise. Rogue has been called in for an interview. 1. Come up with a quick sketch episode/interview showcasing rogues' new powers (what all he’s capable of and how he might use them.) 2. All questions must be in the form of a question. 3. Keep it classy. There may be children listening. Any questions that result in the fictitious death of something (pets, persons) will be disqualified. (extra points assigned for those who can get rogue to actually answer your questions himself. You can mix up your fabricated answers with his actual answers and we can try to guess which ones are his. BWAHAHAHA think of the PMs he'll get.)
  19. Vela

    Genshin Impact

    Well that's all the incentive I need. Not tonight though, how old am I and I'm still amazed at just how much time small projects take up when combined. "Oh that'll take only 5 min, that'll take 10," it's suddenly nighttime and I'm wondering why I'm so exhausted. Some people are just better at it I guess.
  20. awwwwwww yeah, good-feels. *just opened her amazon cart*
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