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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I think I'd prefer the relaxed over the insanity...I need more calm with my anxiety.
  2. Quite alright, I mean...you're yelling at yourself.
  3. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I AM NOBODY OTHER THAN VELA. JUST VELA! ::triggered:: 😢😐😏 I'm okay.
  4. Vela


    Me too. Nighty night!
  5. Vela


    Nighty night atomic!
  6. Vela


    @The_annoying_one Wait, I edited original post it for more smart assery...
  7. Vela


    Nah...>.> I kinda liked it
  8. Vela


    Same. Take this before you go...
  9. Vela


    But 😭 People who spend all their money on pens?
  10. Vela


    Quick! Pretend you're asleep!
  11. Vela


    I get the impression it's paper like that and possibly the lined variety that he lacks. ::nods gravely:: I don't know why but I sounded like Elasti-girl from Doom Patrol when I said that in my head.
  12. Vela


    He's got such a sweet face though, the fuzzy little f!@# πŸ˜„
  13. Vela


    Omg I feel so sad right now. πŸ˜₯ I guess you'll just have to save the box they came in and use that to write on.... πŸ˜†
  14. Vela


    And your paper situation?
  15. Vela


    Not now that it means a combination of sleep well and sweet dreams in my head forever more. Pff, you already knew the answer before you asked.
  16. Vela


    I got at least three or four good laughs out of this πŸ˜„ Most amusing is how you take control of the dream once you realize it's a dream. Hey maybe your cat isn't waking you up for the sake of waking you up...maybe he's like, "there he goes again. What's he saying this time...hey HEY! Who...are you talking to?"
  17. Sorry! This one, think it meets most of the requirements.
  18. Vela


    My cat wants to be fed around 2 am every morning. I have mixed feelings about staying up passed two for that (and other) reasons. Just gunna get woken up anyway. I try not to blame her, cats are innately nocturnal after all, which obviously means their prey is nocturnal as well so it's just in their dna to want to hunt and/or eat at night. ::is waiting patiently::
  19. Vela


    >.> It might with me around, yes.
  20. Vela


    Oh I sweeted...I sweeted so well. Well, maybe not initially last night but I did have a very nice nap today. But thank you !
  21. Ah, I see you've discovered the only way to get me to sleep; immobilization. Well played.
  22. Vela


    @hornedlizardman Night hun! Talk to you tomorrow. Sleep well when you do ^.^
  23. Vela


    Oh I know you do. Me too. Even though we know some cats can only take so much belly attention...just a risk we're willing to make. okaynobutreally I go sleeps now.
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