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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Wait ... I can stick to DK if that's what you're requesting
  2. It doesn't XD That's a visual novel
  3. You're asking the wrong one. The images I have explain nothing .... I'm censoring out the dicks in case anyone was wondering XD
  4. The PMs .... but that's where I keep my porn stash
  5. We had our first little kid basketball game. Some of those babies out there are playing for real .... then there's my kid ... who went to the opposite team's huddle during time out and the coach had to send one of the other kids to go get him XD
  6. I'm not sure where to even put this .... but BITCH WHAT??!
  7. On second thought lemme get that blush pink homie since you came out of this bag with this sad ass story
  8. Rants
  9. Basically all of them XD there's a few agreeing with her. The same ones complaining about wearing a mask in the height of the delta variant ... in a health clinic where ALL of the patients are high risk and a good chunk were constantly being hospitalized and dying from COVID.
  10. No idea .... I'm always surprised to learn all the background beef now XD
  11. "OK, so who's job is it to monitor Yammer? I made a post the other day about all these emails pertaining to all these groups, and some political based agendas, which I said had no business being in the workplace. GUESS WHAT?? It got deleted off of here!! So it just tells me all this can be shoved down my throat daily, but as soon as I have a say so on it, im censored??? So much for all inclusion and no division, way to go {corporate}. Go ahead and delete this too.." ..... waiting for them to delete it lol The comments are already heating up XD
  12. Ended pride month with a bang
  13. Not shitting on your independence. So ... when are you inviting us over?
  14. I took down some of my retirement to pay my fucking old car off so I could start over debt free and some fucker ran into me on the interstate and totalled it out I HAD JUST PAID IT OFF
  15. .... I have sinned
  16. It's exciting til all those bills hit and then your car is just like .... fuck it I need a new tire XD
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