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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. It’s a solid special. I don’t want to spoil anything but it was interesting and enjoyable.
  2. I asked my friend who speaks Japanese if what was said at the panel did translate to “streaming” and he said it translated to “delivered” as in the dub will begin delivery in August. At any rate, it seems Aniplex intends to dub this season ASAP. As for Jason and Adult Swim/WarnerMedia, some conglomerates are more progressive than others but at the end of the day they don’t want to turn off any consumer or potential consumer. Both Anime Expo and Warner Media would not allow a shirt that says fuck racism to be seen on video message but such a shirt could probably be worn at the office of Adult Swim. I doubt Jason would ever wear that shirt during Toonami Pre-Flight even though they say fuck on those from time to time. You can certainly work for a big conglomerate and still be anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-classism, anti-big merger or even anti-capitalism. You definitely can work for a huge corporation and be anti-Trump or anti-GOP. I’m a conservative person by my values but I think the GOP regularly fucks America over and some very wealthy Democrats do as well so I’m basically anti-rich at this point. Warner is getting just about as bad as Disney with regards to swallowing up the industry and there are ramifications to that, mainly job loss. Is it hypocritical to work for Warner or Disney if you purport to be anti-big conglomerate? I suppose, but you don’t have to like everything your employer does in order to be happy to work there. Especially if your employer isn’t doing anything heinous.
  3. Aniplex posted the SAO panel on YouTube. This is what was said.
  4. Personally I don't think they should get shows because they're loaded with T&A. But they shouldn't ignore shows that are great just because they are loaded with T&A.
  5. They wanted KILL la KILL, albeit in spite of fan service.
  6. They might wait 6 or so episodes for a good buffer (or however long until a slot opens up this Fall) but they might risk airing it after just 4 episodes so they don’t have to replace PA with another rerun. But if they already had a replacement for PA then they can wait till Mob’s season ends and be 6 episodes behind or wait for the next opening.
  7. I can't verify this because I missed the panel but a handful of people who saw the SAO Alicization panel during Aniplex Online Fest this morning said they heard SAO's dub would return in August. I don't know if that means they'll resume dubbing in August (more likely) or it will air in August. Here's one tweet.
  8. Most of those don't even do well enough to air at 8pm or 5:30am. They've tried Space Ghost, Birdman, Brak, Sealab and Home Movies in those slots and they never managed to survive. The bar is low these days but it apparently still isn't that low. They still have Bob's Burgers until I believe Fall of 2023 but once they lose Family Guy in Fall of 2021 they really ought to give up the 8pm hour to avoid stretching their higher rated programming too thin. Either that or give it to reruns of anime since CN isn't going to make good use of the additional hour anyway. I really hope to see something like this in Fall of 2021 08:00 - My Hero Academia 08:30 - Dragon Ball Super / Z Kai / Various short anime 09:00 - American Dad Hour 10:00 - Bob's Burgers Hour 11:00 - Rick & Morty Hour 12:00 - Various Originals 12:15 - Various Originals 12:30 - Various Originals 12:45 - Various Originals 01:00 - Various Half Hour Originals 01:30 - Venture Bros. 02:00 - American Dad Hour 03:00 - Rick & Morty Hour 04:00 - DVR Theater Hour 05:00 - Bob's Burgers Hour
  9. It had something for everyone. Anyhoo, 2 episodes are dubbed already. That's a good sign that FUNimation will prioritize Fire Force and be able to dub one episode a week. It is very likely they get materials for dubbing early due to co-producing Fire Force. It remains to be seen if they can manage to dub one episode a week for the entire season but this still bodes well for a potential Toonami broadcast in early to mid August.
  10. On one hand it didn't really hurt MHA much if at all but on the other hand... it was total bullshit.
  11. I figured this wasn't airing in Japan until 2021 but at least it's January. I'm looking forward to it.
  12. I feel they should give up the 8pm hour but the reality is prime time is valuable ad-space for adult targeted ads and its not as useful for ads targeting kids.
  13. It’s entirely possible they got pressured to swap Bobs to 8pm because American Dad is often TV-14. And along with that they decided to move encores of Bob from the middle of the night to 5am for a similar reason. Bob’s is the most PG sitcom they have and MHA pushes TV-14 often. It’s not unlikely that someone finally decided taking TV-14 shows out of the 8pm and 5am hour was more important than using Bobs where it would usually get better ratings. So it might not just be a performance issue for MHA.
  14. I’m pretty sure they already paid for the 2nd half of SAOAWotU and they might have negotiated early this year for Fire Force season 2 but that’s a bit less likely.
  15. I suspect MHA will still air sometime on Saturday. This lasted a bit longer than I expected but given it didn’t even last for the whole series up to this point, it probably didn’t do great. I guess we’ll never see those ratings though.
  16. I hope you're joking and you do realize this was a joke post. That said, the original dub voice of Killah aka the last image above was PRETTY BAD and no one is willing to admit they were the voice.
  17. They can and hopefully will announce PA’s replacement before their online panel.
  18. Mr. Horse: No sir, I don't like it.
  19. One Piece doesn't try to look like anime
  20. He’s been harsher on it in the past as I recall. I’m glad to hear he’s willing to give it another shot.
  21. But Jason didn’t like Avatar because it was fake anime so I don’t think he’d like Onyx Equinox. I highly doubt CR would just give them anything for free, WarnerMedia charged HBO Max a ridiculous amount of money to stream The Big Bang Theory and Friends. So even though he apparently likes Shield Hero (but hasn’t seen ReZero), it would probably cost just as much or more to get that from CR as it would to get something from another distributor.
  22. While I won’t rule out something going wrong between now and July 25th, that online panel is supposed to have some Toonami show announcements aside from info on Uzumaki and Blade Runner: Black Lotus. But those could simply be SAO and Fire Force returning in Fall. The timing is such that they could announce a replacement for Mob season 1 that day but Paranoia Agent will end on July 25th.
  23. A Super marathon and better still, Super leads the block starting July 11th. Just **** everything they aren’t even trying right now! I expected nothing and I am still disappointed. Dragon Ball Super reruns at the top of the block... let’s see them twist the knife even more and fill the next opening with My Hero reruns on top of that. Those new shows they’re announcing on July 25th cannot come soon enough.
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