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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Is your uncle ok? Lol
  2. That backstabbing bitch
  3. What fantasy. Pics and video is a fantasy?
  4. I was born in the Charleston navy hospital biiiitch Military brat
  5. Whyd u do that. U probably feel like shit. No wonder u r going off on mh lol
  6. Oh man the casino is gonna be wild If only id stay at kmart
  7. I only need the alarm. Fuck it. My brain will wake me up
  8. I tease you because i know you are capable of so much more. I don't understand why you play yourself so hard.
  9. U mean grunt work everyone else is overqualified for?
  10. One could imagine
  11. Lets not mention him for awhile
  12. You werent writing notes on a computer either
  13. If you ever worked a real job, youd know appt is shorthand for appointments
  14. Oh he does. Look at him up there sticking his tongue out
  15. Quit whining and collect yer pay. All jobs do that...actually most fire u on the spot when u put in 2 weeks
  16. Fine then post yours 1st
  17. At least she was cool with it. You should read The Testament while you wait
  18. I wish i could get paid for just sitting at my desk. Instead im having back to back panic attacks and getting cussed out all day while hearing sob stories. Youre blessed.
  19. Athena we know. It was psych day for your patients:P Today i cancelled 4 appts, rescheduled 2 because i dont want to take anymore time off this week from work to deal with my fucking bipolar. I wanna go back to work and ignore my problems while i solve other people's lol It took many days but i can confidently say the entire house is clean Im about to download and read The Testament Whatd u accomplish today?
  20. Today went by way too fast. Fucking depressed brain -it took me all day to wash my sheets then make that bed. By the time i finished madison was home from school and i had zero time to myself. Going back to work tomorrow.
  21. Ok can we agree not to sexually harrass him anymore. He doesnt make it funny.
  22. I love you.
  23. Aaawwww 🤗🤗
  24. Haha i had to double check who posted this
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