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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. this topic sure escalated....
  2. when was this an argument? I Love Jojo's bizarre adventure and am not trying to dump on it needlessly this is coming from a curious fan(One Who Recalls the incident where Part 4 was almost demoted to such a level that it was met with extreme backlash) one who wants to get to the bottom of this....instead i keep being torn between two sides one that says nobody watches jojo and that it's ratings are crap while the other says just enough people watch Jojo and it's ratings are good so which is it? it can't be both.....and since I'm not a ratings expert(nor did i ever claim to be one)it all just looks like random incoherent numbers to me
  3. if this is insane then you have A Pretty Small window for sanity at the very most Jojo is on the average side of the toonami spectrum(and i say this as a fan)
  4. to the point where reruns of it are seen as "Way Too Risky" And Something that nobody would watch it's this bizarre mystery I've never been able to solve.... Why Did Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fail so hard on toonami to the point where toonami deep down inside is ashamed they even have to air this? why did nobody ever tune into it when it counted the most? is it because it's too weird for people who don't watch anime or is it because it's the dumpster fire tier of anime....anime that only dumb meme lords would watch?
  5. Why is Jojo That Damn Unpopular On Toonami? i just never understood why nobody ever watches it and why it always get treated like it's the worst anime ever.... when you are so unpopular that Episodes of Ballmasterez are seen as a better alternative than reruns....that's not good
  6. its just with the way 2020 has been so far....Paranoia Agent just feels less like "making you forget your problems" and instead straight up shoving them down your throat
  7. its times like this i wonder....why the hell is this on toonami? 0_o
  8. I Really hope Jojo returns by the end of Ballmasterz S1 because i don't like having to tune out when this comes on and return just for naruto shippuden
  9. now only one question remains do they keep MHA Reruns upfront after the season finale or do they already have a replacement in mind? We'll Soon Find out
  10. came out two weeks ago for switch....perhaps someone here picked it up?
  11. he shoots exploding clarinets
  12. nope 124 was the last dubbed episode they released...back in april i think it was? it's been a long time since they did any work on black clover
  13. why would it be stupid? it's not like anybody's gonna be traveling or partying on july 4th(since ya know we're still in a global pandemic and most live celebrations at this point have been canceled or are about to be canned) I Mean it doesn't really take that long to find out that they reuse a lot of voice actors in the dubs they produce so with the amount of dubs they work on....there's a good chance many would be burnt out if they didn't go beyond the current lineup
  14. i think it's more likely that they are just having trouble recording The VA's for the new characters in the last two episodes that's the popular theory circulating around the MHA Fandom and it's the one I will choose to believe over the "Funimation was distracted by Finalizing The English Dub patch for one's justice II with bandai namco" it's always possible that could be the reason but without any clear cut confirmation we're just left to speculate for example I Did read something about how some of the Voice Actors for the last two episodes aren't Local Talent From Texas so that makes things trickier for funimation
  15. it comes out this month....anyone here at all interested or not?
  16. there's even a discord server for it now
  17. someone on the MHA Sub-Reddit said that Kyle Phillips(Kaminari's VA)is streaming on twitch and mentioned that the English Dub for this patch was done pre-covid 19 which shoots down that theory
  18. i know right? toonami just gave them three weeks and for some reason that wasn't enough time to get one episode out I'm starting to think toonami can't really get in contact with funimation and are just as confused as the rest of us
  19. that's the weird part....they are still quite active on twitter but despite all the messages they get about black clover dub episodes and the last two MHA S4 dub episodes they never really acknowledge them at all or really talk about the status of either
  20. seriously...the fact they've been so silent lately about the progress of MHA Has been frustrating it's especially frustrating for black clover fans as they haven't said anything regarding that dub since april or so
  21. i think everyone had assumed they'd be able to pump out another episode within 3 weeks yet here we are...past that point and still nothing from funimation i feel bad for toonami because they keep having to kill time for episodes that may not even be completed until july or august at this point(maybe longer depending on what the actual problem is)
  22. just saying it won't be long before toonami has to replace black clover on the block with the dubbed episodes they have left to air since toonami airs every saturday night and the at home dubbing process operates at a snails pace It wouldn't take long to blow through the episodes that have already been completed besides that is the hiatus hanging over the show's head that depends on how the pandemic proceeds the rest of this year
  23. only a few more...black clover has not been dubbed in several months
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