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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. i was thinking it was kind of like the prisoner with elements of lost. interested to see to what extent this is going to fit in the established x-men universe.
  2. i'm sorry, what was i saying? https://kategale.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/swedish20knockers.jpg
  3. this. it would require effort on someone's part. not sure he's worth that.
  4. 4 generations? apparently 3 is the average, at least in the u.s. http://www.gallup.com/poll/4621/majority-americans-identify-themselves-third-generation-americans.aspx
  5. just curious as i only recently found out that my great grandfather (died before i was born) emigrated from the u.k. hardly exotic, i know. still, from my limited knowledge of the family tree it looks like everyone else came over in the 18th and 19th centuries. except for my mom's mom's family, who are native american.
  6. na. i'm fine with it.
  7. i think we have a consensus here...
  8. well, let's see. one clearly has poor judgement. the other has a kid. both?
  9. i "ran out" in 2002.
  10. none of the local pizza places offer them anymore. i mean, i can add my own, but they taste better baked in... why no love for the salty fish?
  11. nameraka


    you ain't steve, mike! you ain't no steve...
  12. i did this. turns out she didn't get my response to the last message. interview tomorrow.
  13. i didn't. i sent them a resume like a month ago. they emailed me on thursday. i emailed back, then nothing...
  14. god help me if i'm ever that desperate.
  15. and now i miss prince even more...
  16. and then they just don't get back with you? i applied for the job about a month ago. got an email with some forms to fill out, then another one requesting a time to set up an interview. i emailed back with some possible times and then... silence. this is not making me want to work for you lady!
  17. like ever?
  18. this whole place is a dumpster fire, so it was kinda pointless.
  19. i'm thinking of taking her ice skating. i think she'd like that.
  20. you and the blow up doll have plans?
  21. this thread is about puffer fish
  22. what are you talking about. he has the biggest vocabulary. he knows all the best words!
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