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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I fucking love the Christmas season and am even happier for it now that I have a job where I'll actually get to be with my family on Christmas. But that shit is just too fucking extra at least wait until after Halloween.
  2. Just letting them know I've accepted a position elsewhere and asking how to formally turn in my resignation notice. Didn't hear anything back today. Wat do. I didn't say in my message that I don't plan on coming back ever again <_<
  3. Gf? When did this happen? I assume this is hickey girl?
  4. At least until I start to hate this new job. So about a week.
  5. Take both and give me the money
  6. I don't have to work evenings, weekends, and holidays so yes <_<
  7. Well regardless of how I leave I would never want to work with the one supervisor ever again. The other one I hardly even know anyway she's almost never there.
  8. I mean I really don't give a shit about my direct supervisors. One I hardly ever see and the other one treats us like children. I just don't want to mess up my benefits or my getting paid.
  9. I'm hoping I at least make it past orientation before the complaints start <_<
  10. My direct manager has almost nothing to do with that kind of stuff tho
  11. I mean with it being a state job and all there's a lot of beuracrscy so the person I would give my 2 weeks notice wouldn't be my direct supervisor but an hr person that I hardly ever see. Idk man I just don't want to go back.
  12. I got a new job yay They said they have an orientation class starting on July 9. That was the day I told my current job I'd be back from my surgery. Would it be bad to put my notice in for my current job while I'm out on leave. Would be great to not have to go back there ever again <_<
  13. I think it was originally built in like, the 40's or 50's. Other than the fuses and the no central air it's been updated pretty well. Don't know if a timer would work. It was cheaper to just buy the air mattress and sleep out in the living room anyway <_<
  14. You can do all that without dying from the heat
  15. Swamp ass doesn't discriminate
  16. Possibly but idk if it's worth the money. We would never be able to run it at the same time as the other portable one because it would blow a fuse.
  17. There's a wall unit in the living room and then a portable unit we bought and keep in the room with our computers. But nothing in the bedroom. We bought an air mattress for the days where it doesn't get below 80 degrees even at night so we can sleep in the living room. Had to use it last night.
  18. Worst feeling ever. I feel like I need to shower every 30 minutes
  19. No central air should be a crime against humanity
  20. Me too but it could be about 30 degrees cooler than it is right now and I could still do that
  21. I'm hoping it's nothing too serious. Gonna find a place I can take it in for a free inspection.
  22. My car's a/c chose today of all days to crap out on me. It had been dying for awhile, was putting out cool enough air but not quite "cold" air. Well today it decided to stop putting out cool air and just put of hot air.
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