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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Ran in to pee and heard some weird noises. At first I thought it was just somebody struggling to take a shit but then it just kept going and I heard a lady saying "oh my God" over and over. Awkward.
  2. I'm only sleepy because I was told to get 2-3 hours less sleep than I usually get for my eeg today
  3. Hi Naraku4656 I only did ur full username because my phone shows that as a suggestion as soon as I type "nar"
  4. Thnx bro I legit might find a place to park my car and take a 20 minute power nap here in a bit working on 4 1/2 hours of sleep isn't very fun
  5. Zzzzzz
  6. Can I come nap there. I'm sleepy it sounds nice.
  7. Is it because of the tumor?
  8. Can u come clean my house 2
  9. I can pet Gordon Also your napping comment reminds me that one time I was so tired in the middle of a work day but was out and about on the way to a client's house so I parked my car in some random office parking lot and took a 20 minute nap
  10. My health plan is free at least so I guess I got that going for me
  11. Yeah with like $100 in it lol I put $20 per paycheck in there and had been using it to pay off the bill from my hand surgery last year I'm on a 0 interest payment plan right now for $96/month for 2 years. Hopefully I won't be paying much more than that each month after the additional bills come in.
  12. Actually I found out my deductible is only 3,000. I thought it was 5,000. Once I hit the deductible insurance will pay for 100% as long as I stay in network. Between this EEG and the spinal tap in 2 weeks I should hit the deductible. Then they want to do another MRI soon so I'll definitely hit it then. Just need to get everything in before the end of the year.
  13. Good idea Can u buy us some starter packs
  14. he has no thumbs how would he hold his cards
  15. I have no one to play with
  16. hopefully
  17. Thanks I'm not as worried for this one as I am the spinal tap I have to get in 2 weeks that's gonna be super fun
  18. The instructions for the test say to get 2-3 less hours of sleep than I usually get and not to drink caffeine before the appointment Can't wait
  19. So like a fancy mozzarella stick? I'd try it.
  20. Ur not really missing much tbh it's mostly Packard ranting about politics
  21. A cheez-it flavored pizza or pizza flavored cheez-it?
  22. Well Halloween is one of those 365 days u didn't specify asking what his costume was gonna be gottem
  23. Do it even if u scare some ppl you'll find out who the cool people are and make friends
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