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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. So I have eaten all of the meals from the box and haven't died or gotten sick yet. The first two meals were chicken which I overcooked a bit just to be safe but tonight I made a meal with steak which I cooked medium rare. So if I stop posting after tomorrow you'll know what happened.
  2. Well hey that's good. Most places don't bother with drug test and background check if they're not gonna send an offer (at least in my experience) but I get being anxious about the unknown. I always worry about new jobs until I actually finish my first day. Like I worry I got an offer by mistake or something until I actually start.
  3. Bruh free vacation tho xD j/k hope it all works out for u
  4. I haven't quite got to that point yet because I'm not really sure what else I could do that would be in line with my education, experience, and interests, while still making the same amount I do now but not having to deal with the same bullshit I do now.
  5. ugh tomorrow I'm gonna put my phone on DND and only see the clients I already have scheduled and nothing more
  6. Just don't forget to cancel as soon as the first box ships. Unless u wanna pay full price for the service
  7. Pretty sure I'm gonna make myself sick from worrying that I'm going to get sick
  8. The one that was sitting inside my old apartment building for like 24 hours We'll see if I die. Food smelled fine tasted good and I cooked the chicken a bit longer than the instructions said just to be safe.
  9. Man I know that I probably moved a bit fast with kidney moving in with me after like a year but it seems weird to me that ur gf doesn't want to hang out with u on a holiday. I get different relationships are different tho.
  10. Woah I never realized u were in Ohio. Guess it makes sense there's so many of of since there's not much else to do here.
  11. Some items you have to card people for no matter what. When I worked at Wal-Mart for a month back in 2011 there were some items where you literally couldn't complete the sale without checking ID. I think it was mostly for things that could be used as inhalants. Some guy got really mad at me one time because he was very clearly over 18 but didn't have his ID with him while trying to buy some paint thinner or glue or something. Cigarettes and alcohol though? Didn't need to check ID. I was supposed to call someone over 21 to my line anytime someone came through with alcohol since I was under 21 at the time but I'm pretty sure I checked people out with alcohol a few times because the managers just seemed annoyed at having to comply with that policy.
  12. They gave me a credit last time I had them for a missing ingredient while I was using a promo code so it's worth a try I guess. Might be harder to get anything for something that was my fault though. I still have 4 free boxes feel free to pm me if you want one.
  13. The box is full of ice packs and was inside the building. I've had boxes sit outside in 80 degree weather all day that felt even warmer than this one did and had no problems eating it.
  14. So I was able to get the box. It was sitting right inside the building thankfully someone let me in after I buzzed every apartment. Should still be good to eat I think. The ice packs were mostly thawed out but still felt cold and were partially frozen, and the meat still felt cold to the touch. I should tell Blue Apron I couldn't get the box wonder if they'd give me anything even though it's my fault I forgot to change my address.
  15. I like how the old filter taught me that this was a slur
  16. Pressure cookers are great. Is it like, too big to store in your house? Cause I don't think the size really matters too much for cooking, you'd just have more extra space in the cooker. Could always try to sell it on Facebook market/Craigslist/Offer Up or whatever then use the cash to buy a smaller one.
  17. “I can’t get happy; I have this sandwich on my mind. I can’t think straight,” he told the Chattanooga Times Free Press on Thursday. “It just consumes you.” Me_irl
  18. But then you have to figure out what you want to make, go to the store, buy the ingredients, hope they have everything you need, possibly go to a specialty store for more "exotic" ingredients. I just like the convenience. Other than EveryPlate all of the kits I've used have quite a bit of choices every week. I also try things I'd never think to try on my own with these kits. I'm also bad at meal planning and typically rotate through the same dozen or so meals anyway when I'm cooking without a meal kit.
  19. More like $60 per week lol. $60 gets you a box with three different meals of two servings each. You can get 2/4 person boxes and I think you can get between 2-4 meals per week.
  20. I liked them when I used them in the past. More expensive than some of the other kits but also higher quality food and better variety in my experience.
  21. Hello Fresh is alright. Blue Apron and Home Chef are my favorites though. Looks like I do have 5 free boxes to send people. So I guess first 5 people to PM me their name and e-mail address can get 'em. That goes to anyone reading this.
  22. Blue Apron I cycle between pretty much all of them depending on what promo codes I have and what meals look good from each one from week to week
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