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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=frosted+coffee
  2. I always pay at least the minimum, of course. Usually way more than the minimum if I can afford to but these past few months after we moved and it was just me working for a couple months I could only do the absolute minimum because I had to put more towards my card that does have interest so I could make sure to pay it off. It does affect my credit because the balance is so high that my percentage of credit used is way higher than it should be. Still have a score over 700 though and was able to get a good rate when I got my car a few months back.
  3. Kidney used it when he got lasik so yeah that's like half of it lol. And just being too lax about the whole "introductory 0% interest" thing. That card had some good 5% cash back categories earlier this year so we were using it like all the time but not really worrying about paying it off right away. Now that kidney is working and we're trying to get better about controlling our spending it should be no problem to get it paid off before it starts getting interest
  4. I have one that's at over 6k because it has 0 interest until I think April and we've been really bad about abusing that fact. Should still be able to pay it off in time or at the very least transfer anything that's leftover on it to my "emergency" card which seems to send me an offer every month for 0 interest balance transfer for 12 months. Still stresses me out to see that high balance and it makes my credit score sad.
  5. I have a credit card that I need to pay like $2000 on before the 20th RIP me
  6. Send me ur money I'll look after it for u
  7. As long as I stay in network it's 100%. Out of network is 80. So far everything has been in network.
  8. I'm on a payment plan for 96 a month. Will probably go up since I got more bills
  9. The EEG came back normal. I have a spinal tap next week so we'll see what happens after that
  10. You don't have to tell me that lol
  11. Wooo free health care for the rest of the year. If you ignore the $3000 in debt I already have it almost feels like I live in an actual civilized country now
  12. He'll still be impossible for u to steal. Even Kidney and I can barely pick him up he'll run from us if we try to pick him up or if we move too fast when we're near him
  13. Seems pretty good so far. I've like barely interacted with her. She's full time but is doing an internship at a different place so I think she's mostly evenings and weekends or something idk Today she was asking us some questions about how we document our notes and milage and stuff and let her in on the actual way we document that stuff so I guess she's a real member of the team now.
  14. And also where my cats are
  15. Probably Do I care? Nah Tomorrow is gonna suck I'm gonna be with a client for like, 3 hours and this guy doesn't know how to just shut up for more than 5 minutes but also never has anything to really talk about
  16. Those are good too My favorites are Sweetarts Sour Gummies, Trolli Sour Brite Eggs, and Trolli Watermelon Sharks
  17. Only problem with that is that I could legit eat like, a bag a day. I got 2 bags today and I already almost finished off the first bag.
  18. They taste like the gummy worms but have a texture closer to candy corn. It's like a sour gummy worm and a candy corn had a baby
  19. Hey I don't discriminate, I love all sour gummy candy
  20. I found mine at the Dollar Tree. Haven't noticed it anywhere else but then again I didn't even know it was a thing until now
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