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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. It's not even my last week and that's pretty much all I've done because everyone is canceling today
  2. It's so much worse with cats. The litter and the hair gets everywhere. Also I'm pretty sure one of the cats missed the litter box upstairs at one point and peed on the litter mat instead because when I picked it up earlier to mop it was dripping.
  3. Can't wait for it to be dirty again like, tomorrow
  4. Don't think I could for ethical reasons since I already have a relationship with u through the boards and I don't know if you'd qualify for my program. But if u really want services the company I work for is all over the state and offers a variety of services.
  5. On the one hand I want time to slow down because "holy shit is this what adulthood is like when I was a kid time just always seemed like it was crawling and now it just won't stop". But on the other hand "why does the work week crawl but my time off lasts 0.02 seconds"
  6. I prefer stuff that I actually enjoy the taste of also we dont have Kroger here because this city sucks
  7. So I've heard There was tons of it at Wal-Mart today and I still had half a six pack I bought last week in the fridge
  8. Only twice in my life I was just joking
  9. I saw Christmas stuff on one of the endcaps at the grocery store last month
  10. I've had 3 cans tonite Wooooo
  11. Whatever you say boomer
  12. I mean a lot of people smoke weed and this isn't a regular occurrence also when was the last time Cheech and Chong have been relevant
  13. The sun is actually a lightbulb that they turn off every night. It's true.
  14. My window right next to their driveway is open and I suddenly started smelling weed How rude of them to not offer to share
  15. I'm still there Plz help me break free
  16. Most of the time I hate cancellations because I still need to keep my productivity up. But some days I look forward to them. Today I had 5 people scheduled and 2 cancelled which was perfect for me because I still hit productivity. So at my work Tuesdays and Thursdays are our psych days when we bring our people in for the doctor. They're usually the worst days because we're all hustling to get people in and home. Our psychiatrist is always pretty far behind but yesterday was especially bad (one client I was taking home had an appointment at 11am. She was ready to go home at around 3pm). The clients were all frustrated, we were all frustrated, just an annoying day all around.
  17. At least it's the weekend now
  18. My Thursday alone was the worst. I was so irritated at the end of the day I almost said fuck it and just cancelled all my appointments today. Need the productivity though I was low the last two months. I was super happy when my last client of the day cancelled on me though <_<
  19. Get me 5 more while ur at it
  20. They're not even that bad on calories. I think a grande is like 250. Much lower than the PSL for sure.
  21. That's a hot take if ever I've seen one. Got any more gems like that?
  22. It is. I don't like the pumpkin spice lattes because they're too sweet and the pumpkin is too overpowering and fake for me but I could drink the pumpkin cream cold brews all day.
  23. It's like drinking a slice of pumpkin pie So good
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