So was mine but hey free food.
I think they gave away some awards for people that have been there 5, 10, 15 years or whatever or some shit like that so my team and I just stayed until that was over and then left
Didn't realize there already was one <_<
I mostly just wanted an excuse to post that video. I saw those guys in concert this weekend and have been listening to all their Christmas stuff especially that song and their version of 12 Days of Christmas which is my favorite Christmas song ever
I liked the scene where all the time travelers went to try to kill snake Hitler or stop each other from killing snake Hitler and they just keep coming and all the snake Nazis are standing outside like wtf is going on
I think u and Neko could be paired? Quackers was just joking about his original partner not contacting him but Neko gave him a new partner. My original person ended up contacting me so I think it should work out for you and Neko to pair up.
Scythe kind of intimidates me tbh we went to a board game event once where they had it set up and there were just so many pieces. I've been into board gaming for like 5+ years now but still am too afraid to really get into anything super heavy. That and I have no one to really play with other than Quackers and we don't have any friends and our boomer parents barely understand games like Mysterium.