But I don't wanna work
My 1:30 canceled on me today and I had nothing else scheduled afterwards. When I started my day I thought I'd make a few phone calls and maybe try to find some other people to see this afternoon but instead I just went shopping and bought some gifts for my mom. I got like $150 worth of stuff from Bath & Body Works for only like $75 and also found this facial toner I've been wanting to try at TJ Maxx. It's usually like $25 but there it was only $5.99 so that was like the highlight of my day.
I almost forgot about this <_< My partner hasn't messaged me yet but I haven't contacted them yet either just sent them a message today will update by the end of the day tomorrow
That song's kinda weird when u think about it. Like does the mom have a Santa fetish or something and has her husband dress up as Santa when they do it? Also when a kid hears it it's like, is mommy cheating on daddy with Santa?
I mean I still like what I do for the most part I'm mostly just venting when I complain about my job. Other than the once every 6-7 weeks on call the schedule is fine. I don't have a set schedule and work pretty much when I want to which is great. I think my work family dynamic is pretty good for the most part. We'll see how it changes once we get whoever is going to replace the people who are leaving.