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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Oh and depression and boredom too Blah
  2. Ever since I got my IUD there are always 2-3 days every month where it feels like there's a knife going straight through my cervix into my uterus. Today happens to be one of those days.
  3. Hi old I'm dad
  4. Still salty that y'all didn't belive me and @Admin_Raptorpatwhen we totez had all 3 aliens. Never won that game as a human and we had it more than one time
  5. Who has friends?
  6. Who says it isn't
  7. Well he's out there earning money while I sit on my ass and pretend to work.
  8. Well that's the landlord's job anyway. I found an old listing for this house when it was for sale a few years ago and I think it said the furnace was replaced in 04 so it would be getting up there in age.
  9. I turned the thermostat off so the fur shouldn't keep kicking on. Cats are fine so I think we're good
  10. Woke up this morning and it was 62 in the house even though the thermostat was set to 64. Sometimes it will sound like the furnace is starting up but it never starts blowing air. Someone's supposed to be coming out tonight around 7. Hopefully it's nothing too serious it's supposed to get colder this weekend
  11. We've had it since the summer. The closest 2 theaters to us are both AMC's and we only have to see like 2 movies a month to get our money's worth so why not. It's basically our entertainment for the month.
  12. Gotta get that A-list, son
  13. Didn't see it not sure if it even came to my town. The two closest theaters to me are only 8 and 6 screens so we don't always get everything
  14. We're seeing a movie tomorrow afternoon
  15. I'm seeing one client tomorrow from 11am-Noon and then one from 12:15-2:30 and that's it until Monday
  17. Any food from Taco Bell that wasn't a soft taco with just beef and cheese
  18. I'll have to try and pick some up then. Hopefully I can get some on Fat Tuesday. I hear people in this city go nuts for these things.
  19. It is. Imagine a jelly donut but richer and tastier. They sell them through Fat Tuesday which is on the 25th of February the year. Wonder if they'd still be fresh by the time we have people coming up from out of town....
  20. I live in a neighborhood called Polish Village so all the bakeries around here have these right now. They might still have them when u come over, too
  21. Om nom nom
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