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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. He is very offended that u didn't give one star because of all the knob jigglers
  2. I'm gonna use all the pictures of u for blackmail once the photographer sends them to me
  3. Awww did u get their number?
  4. Did u get randomly selected again?
  6. How did u get into my house
  7. I feel like I have something really important happening tomorrow but I can't remember what. Oh well must not be that important
  8. My main job is basically a glorified uber driver sometimes it feels like if that's what u mean
  9. U and @emptyand @Naraku4656will judge me if the house is dirty
  10. Been cleaning all week fun fun
  11. My phones always have the weirdest autocompletes. The last phone I had I remember once I wrote a discussion post for a college class on my phone and from then on there was some word that basically triggered the entire post I had made to show up in the autocomplete.
  12. Wonder what mine competes it as let's find out Spare a few days of really bad cramps each month and then we can go to the store to get a summer job in college and some place I was at the office a few years ago and I think I might be able to get it in the bathroom somewhere
  13. I used credit karma bro it's actually free for state and federal turbotax always charges me like $40 for their ""free"" version
  14. I'll go to ur air bnb on Friday night to do it irl
  15. Roth. Cool guess I can submit my tax return now.
  16. me too thanks
  17. I keep waiting to see if I'm gonna get an actual form for my IRA before I submit my returns. I use the same service for my IRA and a personal investment account and they gave me a form for the investment account already but not the IRA and they claim all forms are sent in February if you need them. I know the amount I contributed to it but idk if I need anything else. I didn't make any withdraws from it or anything but I did get some dividends that were just reinvested.
  18. Mine is never very bad either. I don't ever even bother to tweeze it
  19. Well hey at least my nose will be hair free for the wedding pics
  20. Yeah I guess that's true. Idk I thought maybe the wax would help with my blackheads on my nose or something
  21. Had to get rid of my mustache before the wedding this weekend. Plus it makes my skin so fucking soft and smooth it's worth the pain. I'll probably skip the nose wax next time tho.
  22. When I first went in the technician went over all the places they usually wax for their "Full face" waxes to ask if I was okay with everything. One part she asked about was the nose and I said sure thinking she meant the outside part of the nose. Have you ever had a glob of hot wax shoved up your nostril then ripped out? Would not recommend.
  23. One of my clients will just sit in her recliner and chain smoke cigarettes whenever I visit her. I never stay much longer than half an hour and I still reek of cigarettes every time bad enough that sometimes kidney will notice when I get home
  24. Ramo's gonna jack his box?
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