It's only for right now with the WFH stuff. I guess they don't want people sitting around all day doing nothing and still getting paid. Idk I'm not really worried about it it's super easy to get 4 hours a day even working from home which is all they're asking for.
If you don't meet minimum productivity for the day, you can't get paid for your full 8 hours (unless you use PTO). They are lowering minimum expectations a bit, but still.
Good thing I always meet my minimum <_<
Clients aren't allowed in the office I'm talking about staff. Don't think that would be HIPAA but idk. If anyone has a fever they're supposed to go home.
My job gave us a letter like that to print/keep on our phones but kidney didn't get anything even though he still has to go in and from what I've heard cops aren't pulling people over to enforce it or anything. There are way too many people still out for them to even try to enforce anything like that.
At least that guy was just having fun with it this dude was just dumb. He actually got up on stage and was playing one of the games. His wife was in the audience signaling to him to say the kettle was $55 and dude was just like "$700!". He only had to be within $100 to get it right and he failed.
I was kind of hoping he'd get to the final showcase to see if he'd bid a million dollars or something
I got some trainings done today by which I mean I clicked through PowerPoints as quickly as possible and still passed the stupid quizzes on the first try
I also remember one time right after college when I worked at a summer camp we all walked down to a local bar on one of the nights we had off between camp sessions. I got carded but I was a little bit annoyed in that situation because the bartender didn't card my one coworker was was like, 18 or 19 and very clearly looked it. Though I think she was trying to flirt with him so there's that.
I'm still enjoying being at home...for now. I actually left for a bit today to deliver some meds so that was nice.
Wonder how long it will be until I go crazy