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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Good thing he's too dumb to figure out how to use a VPN or proxy. I mean the guy didn't even know how to imbed a gif I doubt he's ever gonna be able to figure out how to get around an IP ban. Although he is smarter than all of us so maybe he's just been too busy to come back yet :
  2. I'm an Aristocrat and I can't see it Time to shitpost more
  3. I mean it's hardly a unique phenomenon, most people probably live in/around a place that did something similar.
  4. They had a story this evening about people that are "allergic to Wi-Fi"
  5. The Flats is a strange area because I guess it used to be a really successful industrial area then that all went to shit and then they tried to revive it by adding an aquarium and fancy restaurants and apartments and shit but when you drive/walk through it half of it is still like abandoned factories and shit and there's also this huge ass luxury apartment complex you can see from the highway that just looks so out of place.
  6. Hey this video is wrong The Flats now look like a Scooby Doo Ghost Town with an overpriced luxury apartment complex right in the middle
  7. Basically a female version of him :poop: http://fox8.com/2017/05/08/teacher-arrested-for-disorderly-conduct-at-bay-village-middle-school/
  8. I remember that feeling Actually kinda worked out for me when I did get fired because I got unemployment, a nice month long vacation, and a new job that pays better and that I enjoy more (Even if I do work longer hours)
  9. I'm aware of the song but I'm pretty sure those aren't the lyrics <_<
  10. Why do you need 3
  11. I have one credit card that I pay off in full every month
  12. 1. zenigundam 2. zenigundam 3. zenigundam 4. zenigundam 5. zenigundam least hottest: TIE between Naraku4656 and Ticcore
  13. If I stick with my current job I could get a permanent, union, state job. Gotta get those benefits.
  14. I won't get any paid time off for a year, and only if they decide to make me permanent at some point
  15. You really are a bad troll. You realize you're supposed to make us mad, right? Not the other way around. Unless you're trying to be the "Funny Troll", then you're the greatest.
  16. Yeah, that's what I said. Awww, is someone mad that I pointed out your mistakes? Here's a trolling tip: If you're going to claim to be smarter than anyone here, maybe spell-check your posts before making them. What shitty browser are you using that doesn't have native spell check, anyway?
  17. "Seudo" isn't a word. Someone as smart as yourself should know that the word is "pseudo". And it's "worse than" not "worst than". My god you're a terrible troll. Even Bucket is better than you smdh.
  18. What's this "we"? That money is all mine. Until the bills hit
  19. This is perfect
  20. $$$$$
  21. It was the ghost
  22. I know a new orientation class just finished and has started working on the houses now, so hopefully it starts to get a little better. Not sure how long I can work doubles this often. I was apparently so tired last night/this morning after working my second double in a row/third in a week that I didn't close the door to my apartment all the way At least I had today off so I can get more sleep and hopefully get back to going in at 10am. 12 hours is so much better than 16.
  23. I'm gonna use some of it to start paying off my loans for sure.
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