Third shift started almost an hour ago and they can't mandate me if I'm not already on the clock. Sometimes they call on my days off to see if I want to volunteer but I never even answer because fuck that shit. Sometimes I'll try to go in for first shift in days I'm already scheduled or will volunteer for third after my shift if I need the hours and am not super tired already, but fuck going in on my days off.
Damn I was really looking forward to the stories you were going to come up with. I went to camp every year as a kid and I've worked/volunteered as a camp counselor before so I could have easily pointed out how ridiculously fake your stories all were.
Aren't most camp counselors teenagers in high school/the first couple years of college? Shouldn't be too hard for them to find you when they figure out no one else is legal drinking age yet.
Thankfully they can't make me come in on my days off. Although when they make me work a double the day before my day off it feels like I lose half of my day off.
I could if I had like 20 more years here. I work for the state so seniority is everything. I know they're still short staffed on 3rd shift so they probably just got enough volunteers from the more senior people since they ask them first. But of course when they don't have enough volunteers us new people are first on the list to get mandated. volunteer for OT on days when I actually kinda want it.
But then, without fail, will almost always mandate me to work OT on days when I really, really, DON'T want it.
I went back to my old apartment to clean and left the place with the oven running on self clean. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Shit can produce carbon monoxide hope u have a detector.
Why in the fuck are you running the self-clean cycle in the middle of summer.
You realize that shit gets up to like, 1000 degrees.
The fuck is wrong with you.
Well the clients at my job have developmental disabilities so any kind of physical or verbal abuse is a big no-no. Like a "you'll get fired and never work in this field again" level of no-no.
Co worker hit a client right in front of me and I did the right thing and reported her ass. So now I'm a snitch. Yay.
Only problem is it happened in the bathroom where there aren't cameras so it will be my and the client's words against hers and the client has a history of making false allegations (although this shit makes me wonder how many times has staff done something like this where they know the cameras won't see and either had no witnesses or a witness that kept their mouth shut).