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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I don't like working that much but I don't really have much choice right now Hopefully they get some people on third shift so I don't get mandated anymore.
  2. Who needs sleep and personal time away from work amirite
  3. It'll probably be even more next time. I'm gonna have at least like 10 more hours this pay period than I did last time I think.
  4. Yeah why
  5. I joined Psy Chi in college. Paid my dues, went to the induction ceremony, and never did anything else. Still put it on my resume.
  6. Not all of them. I only had 2 days that pay period where I worked every waking hour.
  7. Taxes took out more than I thought but still can't complain about clearing nearly 3/4 my monthly salary at my old job in 2 weeks.
  8. Nah man
  9. None for u
  10. Not bad. Not bad at all.
  11. Free to go home, sleep for 6 hours, then come back and work 16 hours again, that is. But that money tho. On Friday I'll get my first big paycheck. Can't wait.
  12. You can eat the whole bag of Djungelvrål
  13. Why not only some of it was gross and the person that sent it included a note to warn me which ones might be gross to me.
  14. I had tacos last nite
  15. About 2 months ago I lost a job I hated and it still fucked me up pretty badly especially for the first few days after. Took a few days to recoup and then started the job search. I'd been searching for awhile before I lost my job but kind of gave up when I didn't get any viable offers after awhile. Once I had the freedom to apply and interview whenever I wanted to I found that I had a renewed energy in applying and managed to get a new job a month after I lost my old one. Just take a couple days to process what happened and then really start the job search. Apply for unemployment as soon as you can. If you get denied the first time, file an appeal. Not sure what the rules are for unemployment in your state but you should at least try. I was terminated from my position and still got unemployment, so getting fired doesn't necessarily mean you can't get unemployment. If you have anyone at your last job that you can use as a reference, try to contact them now. It will be okay.
  16. Zeni's not black so it's all good.
  17. Took you long enough to figure it out In b4 "I knew how to do it all along and just wanted to troll you guys"
  18. Hell naw most of them are out by like, 8 or 9 pm. This girl will usually be out by like 9 or 9:30 on a good day. On a bad day she can be up all night, so I hear.
  19. I thought there was something special about it or something but no he just doesn't get it lol
  20. Verbally tell her to stop. If that didn't work I'd probably call for a more experienced staff, tbh
  21. Not the giant one but I did see the one from my training which was almost as much as my paychecks from a full 80 hours at my last job, with only like 67 hours worked.
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