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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. That's hot
  2. Intervene. From reading about her it sounds like she'll masturbate while looking straight at you, as like a power thing or something. Or she'll use her own bodily fluids to masturbate with, which obviously would need to be stopped.
  3. Yeah boi The only thing I worry about is that I kind of fucked up because she was trying to sleep and said the TV was too loud so I went and told the people in the common area to turn it down (and walked away from her for a minute). But then staff who have been there longer told me that she'll say stuff like that on purpose to make staff walk away from her so that she can self-harm (or claim she did) and then say staff weren't watching her to stop her. And since 1-on-1 does mean you're not supposed to leave them alone, even for a minute, it comes back on staff
  4. The resident I was assigned to today is a 1-on-1 which means I have to be able to see and hear her at all times, even when she's in the bathroom. She knows that she's a 1-on-1 and knows what the rules of that are, and has been totally cool with me being near her every time I've had her in the past. Now all of a sudden today she decides she doesn't like me and is going to try to give me an attitude when I stay close to her, and move my chair so I can see her while she's sitting in her room She has a history of acting out but has been good for as long as I've been here, but I feel like another incident is coming soon. Thankfully the 3rd shift person who has her came before anything real bad could happen today and I don't work again until Thursday so shit is officially not my problem until then (And I think I have her again on Thursday so. Yay.)
  5. Maybe, but only because then when you decide to shoot up the school you'd tell me the day before not to come to school tomorrow
  6. Lol a 16 year old with an 8pm curfew on a Saturday? Should have just gone with she stood you up that's more believable.
  7. I'll loan it to u for 200% hourly interest
  8. $15.60 base pay + $23.40 for overtime + A lot of overtime = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I can't wait to see my first real check. I got paid already for the 2 weeks of training but that week only had like 68 hours because we got to leave training early like every day.
  9. Two weeks. I'm scheduled to work 2pm-9:30pm but try to go in at 10am every day if I can. If I don't go in at 10am then I have a high chance of getting mandated to work 3rd shift (It's a residential facility so they need 24/7 staffing and are very short right now, especially on 3rd. Me being new I'm first in line to get mandated). My first 3 days were shadowing days and those were the only days I actually worked my scheduled hours. Today they said I can come in at noon which is nice because I get to stay home later and they still can't mandate me to 3rd because they can't have us work more than 16 hours in a day.
  10. I will once I pay for all the adulty things first like rent and student loans <_<
  11. I'd rather use it to start paying on my student loans and saving for a car.
  12. Of course. Some people say they rack up as much as 120+ hours because they are insane and volunteer to do doubles and come in on their off days. I'm starting to feel it.
  13. That's how much I have on my timecard right now. And I'm for sure adding at least 9 more hours to it tomorrow which is the last day in the pay period. I'm about to be so rich you guys. So rich and so tired
  14. I can't wait to work 16 hours It's gonna happen again, just you wait... At least I have Thursday off. And then Friday is payday which I guess is a day a lot of people call off so there should be enough openings for me to go in early.
  15. Not very funny but I appreciate you're trying to be original at least. 4/10
  16. I have deferred compensation which I think is basically the same thing
  17. 45 might be pushing it a bit but if I stay with the state I should definitely be able to have a good retirement. Since we don't pay into Social Security and just pay into our own state worker's pension, I'll be good even when social security gets totally fucked.
  18. Only $23 on overtime. $15.60 is my base pay.
  19. No. The first one will just be from training anyway.
  20. Is it terminal
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