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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Someone order me the special edition box set it's only $65
  2. Happens to me all the time. Especially at my work because I work in different areas quite a bit. So sometimes I'll run into someone who looks vaguely familiar because I met them one time three weeks ago when I was half asleep working third shift or something. And yet they remember my name and face perfectly.
  3. No...don't be silly >_> They don't have wi-fi and the computer lab closes at 8...
  4. She seemed to be in quite a bit of pain when I left. I think she said she's hurt it before which is why it dislocated fairly easily. She'll get worker's comp for any missed work and probably get the good pain meds tho so she'll be fine.
  5. She's fine, she gets physically aggressive at times. We had to restrain her but when I left she had calmed down.
  6. I wouldn't really call it an "institution" but I do work at a residential facility for people with disabilities/mental illness.
  7. No need to interview u can start tomorrow.
  8. It would depend on the flavor and how I was feeling on that day but I could probably only get through like a pint or two of Ben & Jerry's before I started to feel sick.
  9. Well first you have to find enough people willing to do the work. That's a tough one and is part of the reason why the pay is so good compared to similar jobs at other places. We have a lot of clients so we need a lot of people. Then when you find people willing to do the work, you have to find ones that won't fuck up by doing things that you obviously shouldn't do like abusing clients or failing to report abuse which are apparently things that happen on a not-too-infrequent basis. Apparently there was an incident like right before I started that got like 5 people fired. And when you just start you're considered temporary and don't have all the protections of the union so you may see someone who's been there 20 years doing something and think it's okay when it's not. Thanks to the union they get a slap on the wrist but you get fired. They've been hiring tons of people and have some people coming over in June/July from another facility an hour away that's closing. It's starting to get better with the overtime, but the problem is that 3rd shift has the least coverage right now, and since I'm on 2nd shift I'm one of the ones that has to work 3rd when they don't have the people.
  10. Sleeping. And not being around clients all day.
  11. I'm willing to go in early and even pull the occasional double if it's on a day I'm scheduled to work. But off days should remain just that.
  12. What kind of ice cream and for how many people because if it's just me going to like Dairy Queen or something I could earn a large blizzard in like 20 minutes.
  13. They can't mandate me from home. When they call me on my off day it's just for voluntary overtime there's no penalty if I don't pick up the phone. Just means someone who's on the clock at the time is going to get mandated into a double. I'm starting to learn the patterns of when I will get mandated, so I can be prepared. And I can usually go in early if I don't want to get mandated that day. Extra hours just means more $$$$. I usually end up with like 50-60 hours a week which is a good balance between $$$ and still being able to get enough sleep and free time to avoid insanity.
  14. They've called me 4 times this weekend. They called me Saturday night to come in Sunday (my off day) for first shift, then for second shift, then for third shift, and just now they called me to come in for first shift tomorrow morning (well technically later today). Fuck that shit I prefer to enjoy my off days.
  15. How would you oil a mattress Do u mean bed frame
  16. I'll let u have kidney for a night if u do it.
  17. I'm not with kidney right now I'm at work until 9:30 is that a yes to being supreme mod.
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