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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Just gotta find the right place. The place I'm at is owned and operated by the state and I think the take anyone with a pulse that isn't insane/has a criminal record.
  2. 15.99/hr normal, time and a half for overtime which lately has been like 10-15 hours or so a pay period but I was pulling like 20+ hours of ot a pay period when we were super low staffed.
  3. Direct care staff at a residential facility for people with developmental disabilities.
  4. I didn't do it to be nice I did it for that OT.
  5. I mean third shift is pretty chill usually. 9 times out of 10 everyone is asleep and there aren't any major issues so I just get to dick around on my phone all night and maybe do some cleaning. Weekdays I have to get people up and help them get ready, but on the weekends nobody goes to workshop so first shift gets them up.
  6. Just bored. And my back hurts.
  7. But that money tho
  8. Wanna threesome
  9. Where are my cat pics
  10. Excuse me
  11. Is this shit for real I need some actual proof.
  13. Ur mom's house
  14. As long as I can still get some OT in on the days I do work I should be fine.
  15. It wasn't as bad as I thought. They did cut my hours a bit but I only have like 3 more days off than I normally would so it's not too bad. I have a couple times where I have 3 days in a row off where I might try to go in on that 3rd day. Except Labor Day weekend I got a 3-day weekend there that I'm gonna keep.
  16. CICO, bro. As long as you're eating less calories than you're burning you should be able to lose weight. Healthier food is better because it's more filling so it's easier to eat less, but you could theoretically lose weight eating nothing but McDonald's as long as you're consuming less calories than you burn.. Sodium may make you retain some water weight but as long as you're staying hydrated it shouldn't be a huge issue. Are you tracking your calorie intake? It's easy to eat more than you think you are if you're not tracking. That's especially true if you're less active, shorter, or weigh less to begin with because all of those things lower your BMR.
  17. "Organic" is really just a buzzword. Save your wallet and just buy standard produce.
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