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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. HEY I don't stare at my phone 24/7. I sleep like 7-8 hours a day I don't look at my phone then.
  2. I was pretty chill about the whole thing I really only thought about going to the hospital when I realized the phone probably wouldn't dissolve in my stomach and wouldn't fit in my intestines
  3. I don't recall actually swallowing it in the dream just remembering that I did swallow it and thinking that I should go to the hospital soon
  4. Did u ever get any kind of job description when u accepted the position? If u did just use those descriptors.
  5. Unless it's the only thing on your resume or every position on your resume is a similar length of time I really don't think it's a huge deal.
  6. And then when the Repo Man comes to your house what will you do?
  7. Grand Theft Auto is s great game Besides how are you going to get a car loan with your credit.
  8. Why even make a down payment just take it on a "test drive" and never return that will work just as well.
  9. Spectrum's not bad I pay $45 a month and get about 60-70Mbps on average. AT&T can go fuck themselves they said I could get 70 when I signed up but then when the guy came to set it up they said I could only get 24. Cancelled and switched to Spectrum in less than a week and still got charged over $100.
  10. Isn't someone in grad school too old for you?
  11. Only $1,500 on your credit card? That ain't shit, dog. How do you even have a credit card didn't you default on your student loans your credit score is probably shit.
  12. Chicks dig unemployed, alcoholic guys that live with their mom. I say go for it.
  13. If they actually cut me down to 10 days a month? Find a new job. If they just cut all the OT I've been getting? Just relax more, start going to the gym more, that kind of stuff.
  14. The reason is $$$. I saw a memo that basically said there's too much OT. Apparently there's a standard for facilities like ours and how much OT we should have and we were going way over that. Although they're still bringing in tons of new staff.
  15. I can't do shit about it
  16. Oh I know. People who have been there longer than me got their hours cut. I think this is above even HR's paygrade, it's the new guy we have running the place
  17. I can't afford to have my hours cut THAT much I could probably deal with just the same number of days I have now and no OT, but if they try to cut me down to 10 days in a month I'm using that extra time off to find a new job.
  18. I'm usually scheduled for like, 35 hours per week I think but can get a ton of overtime. They even encourage part-time people to make up the time so they can have at least 40. The overtime has been letting up which is alright even though I do like the extra money (I just don't like the mandatory overtime I'll be glad for that to stop). But someone several levels above me in paygrade is just tripping with this new scheduling if they're gonna cut hours like that.
  19. I got my schedule for next month and so far everything is normal but I guess some people have been getting "corrected" schedules where they got cut down to like, 9 or 10 working days. For the whole month.
  20. Who needs a social life. I like it because if I want to go shopping or out to eat or something, everything is less crowded.
  21. Are u "on-call" at ur job 24/7? I don't know if I could do something like that even if I was salaried. At my last job I was what I guess would be considered "salaried hourly". I had to clock in and out on time and was considered hourly for payroll purposes but if I went over one day I had to leave early the next day. We weren't allowed to go over 40 a week. Like my managers would talk to us about it if we did and would usually check our time sheets towards the end of each pay period to let us know if we were short/over. That was annoying.
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