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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I watch my bank account, too. It usually takes a few days for the money to come out. I mean I probably would have realized something was wrong by today or tomorrow anyway, they just decided to inform me in a rather rude way
  2. I'll be fine...My lease is up on the 30th and I already gave them my notice that I'm moving out. Already approved for a new place too so wouldn't need to worry about a reference. Besides, I doubt they'd even be able to get a court date before I'm supposed to be moving out. Even if they could I don't see how they'd have a case. I've paid rent on time every month, only didn't pay on time this month because of an issue with auto-pay, and paid as soon as they notified me they hadn't received payment (before I even realized they gave me a 3-day notice).
  3. I mean I'm sure it will work out since I manually submitted a payment as soon as I realized the auto-pay didn't work. Still, gives me a bit of anxiety...Especially because it still says the payment is pending and the laws in my state do say that the landlord is under no obligation to accept late rent payments Even though I know it would be more trouble for them than it's worth at this point, I can't help but worry that they won't take my payment for some reason
  4. That's some bullshit, yo.
  5. I mean, I'd rather not pay the late fee at all I feel like I shouldn't have to since the auto-pay was all set up but didn't work.
  6. I know. I'm moving at the end of the month anyway so I don't know why they even bother with the 3-day
  7. Yep I'm moving at the end of the month. Going to a place where the landlord lives on the property and seems to actually give a shit about the people there. I don't think I'll ever go with a big property management company again.
  8. I doubt they even know who I am. The company as a whole manages dozens of buildings, and the one that manages this one manages two others. The 3-day thing is in my lease, it's the minimum required by law.
  9. I just paid it online. Moving at the end of the month anyway, so no need to fix the autopay. Though I will mention it since they also gave me a late fee.
  10. Never been late on rent because I've done auto-pay as long as I've been here and always have the money in my account. Never any formal complaints from neighbors that I'm aware of (downstairs neighbor put a note on my door soon after I moved in about loud footsteps and my bed squeaking late at night but as far as I know they never went to management about it because I made an effort to be more quiet after that) I'm moving at the end of the month anyway and they already know that. The 3-day notice just means in 3 days they can start the formal process to evict me if they so wish, which would involve going to court. I'd be out before they could get a court date anyway.
  11. It takes a day or two for it to show up on my bank statement. Didn't think anything of it not being on there yet.
  12. I've never been late before either but they called me right at the end of their business day and issued me the 3-day notice and a $70 late fee right after they called
  13. For non payment of rent Because for some reason the auto pay didn't go through this month. They called me to say they hadn't received the rent and less than an hour later put the notice on my door
  14. No he's just a L A Z Y B O Y
  15. Okay I poisoned his breakfast
  16. It's almost 12:30pm and he's still in bed I've tried to get him out of bed like five times already and he won't move send help.
  17. Are you trying to become our new resident troll now that Zeni and Tic are gone? Because it seems like that's what you're trying to do.
  18. Train is still around? I haven't thought about them in like, 5 years
  19. OKC is probably the best free dating site out there. Tons of questions you can answer to give you a compatibility score, so you can know before you even talk to someone if they're worth pursing. Not sure how it is for a gay guy but I had decent luck there as a straight female a few years back. And just to add to what others have said. "Soulmates" is a made up Hollywood concept. Don't look for a clone of you. Look for someone that you have enough in common with that you can get along and have fun with, but different enough that things stay interesting and you don't get too codependent.
  20. Probably hacked it in and have dozens that they just wonder trade to people to make them happy.
  21. I'm surprised u didn't know already I'm p stoked. Though I'm just kidding about getting the special edition. Will probably just go for a CD like I did for his last 2 albums.
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