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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. This place had tons of info with half of the people saying it's a scam and half saying it's not. But even the ones saying it's not a scam I could tell it was a MLM.
  2. They contacted me about an interview one summer when I was desperate for a job. Did some research on them. Decided I wasn't THAT desperate and didn't go to an interview.
  3. Ya for an extra 10 payments of $29.95 u can get the whole set.
  4. No it's not. But hey on that subject do u wanna buy some knives.
  5. They have a website and I remember the guy's name, just don't see a direct e-mail for him there. I talked to the HR lady a bit too, and the office is super tiny so I figure if I just send her an e-mail saying it was nice to talk with both of them, she'll let him know about it.
  6. Probably tru I sent them an e-mail >_>
  7. No but when I came in and was filling out paper work the front desk/HR lady asked me what my favorite movie was and when I said the title the manager heard me and said he agreed.
  8. No it's for a sales consulting firm that started not too long ago. They're in the process of expanding. Also my previous job had a 2 person HR department because it was also a smaller company.
  9. Thanks. They said today was just round 1 and I'll hear back by Friday if they want to bring me in for round 2. I just worry that I'm wrong in assuming it's a 1 person HR department and someone I never met will read it <_<
  10. It's in a completely different field than what I do now but it may be a good change. Plus when I asked about pay, they said it can vary depending on if you get paid salary or by commission, but they said generally the starting salary is about 40-50k, which would be amazing. Only thing is I forgot to get a card from the manager that I interviewed with so I can't send him a thank you e-mail. I do have an e-mail from the lady who was at the front desk, who I guess is also the HR person (small company). It's just "HR@companyname" but I assume the company is small enough that she is the entire HR department. Should I send an e-mail to that address saying "It was nice to meet you and Mr. Hiring Manager guy" or since I can't e-mail him directly just forget about sending one? Looked on their site and can't find his direct e-mail.
  11. I hope I don't lose the likes I got in that thread.
  12. Yeah I still don't know if I believe this. Post a picture of the whole thing. Black out all the personal information but show enough so that we can know it's not just some generic image you could have gotten anywhere.
  13. Nothing, but cops have better things to do. At my last job I had a client who shoplifted over $1000 worth of stuff and had a warrant out for almost a year. Turned himself in eventually but cops never came for him.
  14. Yeah this site was just down for me, too. Just restarted my computer and YouTube is still shitting the bed. I got it to load 360p but just barely.
  15. Was watching a video no problems when all of a sudden it started buffering and now it refuses to load in anything better than 144p. All videos are doing the same thing, Internet speed test says I'm getting over 100Mbps down right now. What gives.
  16. I used to take a garlic supplement every day and never got a really bad cold or the flu for a long time, just really minor colds from time to time. No idea if it was just a placebo effect or not, nor do I know if it does anything for the flu, and if it does it may not do anything if you're already sick.
  17. Mine is so great I haven't had to change it in like, 8 years, so....
  18. Cookies are love, cookies are life
  19. It's a game
  20. So many cookies
  21. No it's a virtual u click the cookie and it gives u a cookie then u buy power ups to make more cookies and the universe becomes cookies and then u realize you've been clicking a virtual cookie for 12 hours straight.
  22. They're virtual cookies
  23. There goes my next week. *clickclickclick*
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