It's in a completely different field than what I do now but it may be a good change. Plus when I asked about pay, they said it can vary depending on if you get paid salary or by commission, but they said generally the starting salary is about 40-50k, which would be amazing.
Only thing is I forgot to get a card from the manager that I interviewed with so I can't send him a thank you e-mail. I do have an e-mail from the lady who was at the front desk, who I guess is also the HR person (small company). It's just "HR@companyname" but I assume the company is small enough that she is the entire HR department. Should I send an e-mail to that address saying "It was nice to meet you and Mr. Hiring Manager guy" or since I can't e-mail him directly just forget about sending one? Looked on their site and can't find his direct e-mail.