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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Merry Birthmas
  2. how dare u
  3. It's probably cirrhosis Anyway, who still uses OkCupid? Aren't all the cool kids on Tinder now?
  4. Anybody have an extra Wooden Bookshelf they'd be willing to trade? I need one for my outdoor library ;_;
  5. He should ask @Admin_Raptorpat to be his lawyer he'll win for sure
  6. My own bed in my college apartment but covered in my own vomit and with vomit down the side of my bed
  7. I use front left mostly but only by habit because for the first like 8 months we lived here the front right didn't work and I didn't think it worth bugging the landlord about. Then one day I lifted the stovetop cover to deep clean and noticed the igniter thingy was turned slightly off center from the gas line. I put it back and the front right has worked ever since
  8. Idk man that sounds pretty dumb to me I hope a real Gen Z lady like @RG3 gives her opinion
  9. U know u want it
  10. Will you two just kiss already
  11. Take it to the Toonami folder no one wants to hear about your weeb shit in here
  12. I think if we could actually get movie night up and running it would be nice to have something like that on a more regular basis. Friday night games is great too and I think more organized additional game nights could be good, too. Keep Jackbox as a Friday night staple and add in one or two additional regular days during the week so we can get a little more variety and so it doesn't always fall on one person to host. And so we can bring in people that can't stay up until 3am because of other obligations they may have. I know people already more or less do this with tabletop simulator but if we had some set days could bring in more people since they'd know when to expect it. Uhhh... Maybe some kind of cooking/baking competition? Kinda hard to do when you can't actually taste each other's food but we could have one person post some kind of new/interesting recipes and then everyone make it and post a photo so everyone can judge appearance and the chef can judge themselves on taste. Idk it would need some work to flesh out an idea but some kind of organized cooking thing could be cool.
  13. I thought you were that Zenigundam guy. Whatever happened to him anyway he was cool
  14. Become a cam girl
  15. That's like my entire bonus check Maybe the credit card payment can wait
  16. I need to use it to pay off my credit card since my mileage check that I'd usually use for the credit card is going to be much, much lower this month. Though I still should have over $100 left even after paying off the card...
  17. Usually they don't give us our bonuses until around the 15th so I wasn't expecting it for awhile. That's pretty neato
  18. Um no he's a simp for buying into the LIBERAL MEDIA'S story about this FAKE PANDEMIC Or maybe it's because he helps out around the house? But wouldn't that be more of a cuck thing idk I think cuck and simp mean the same thing which is to say neither one of them means much of anything really
  19. So we're gonna watch u free pat's willy?
  20. It was because they overlapped with someone else's note that was at the exact same time. I literally just changed every am to pm and vice versa (so like if it was originally starting at 4pm, I changed it to 4am) if I did anything else I'd just end up creating more overlaps with myself. I don't think anyone will care
  21. Ya ur too old for him, sorry to tell you.
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