I think if we could actually get movie night up and running it would be nice to have something like that on a more regular basis.
Friday night games is great too and I think more organized additional game nights could be good, too. Keep Jackbox as a Friday night staple and add in one or two additional regular days during the week so we can get a little more variety and so it doesn't always fall on one person to host. And so we can bring in people that can't stay up until 3am because of other obligations they may have. I know people already more or less do this with tabletop simulator but if we had some set days could bring in more people since they'd know when to expect it.
Uhhh... Maybe some kind of cooking/baking competition? Kinda hard to do when you can't actually taste each other's food but we could have one person post some kind of new/interesting recipes and then everyone make it and post a photo so everyone can judge appearance and the chef can judge themselves on taste. Idk it would need some work to flesh out an idea but some kind of organized cooking thing could be cool.