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Everything posted by RollFizzlebeef

  1. The ending theme from Rick and Morty: The Anime.
  2. I won't say his name, but I think it's pretty accurate. (Also, I have this game on Steam, and no, I don't have 2K24 yet.) I don't remember why I gave him gloves or hand wrap or whatever. I just wanted to do this.
  3. So you're just going to give up? Nah, dude. You need to get back on that horse and try again. Your only other option is getting a prostitute.
  4. I don't remember. All I know is things and stuff.
  5. About to chow down on some fried chicken, mashed potatoes (and gravy), and spinach.
  6. Because you need to get laid, homie.
  7. Nah. I think you do a great job. I'm not saying I would do a bad job, but you're pretty much irreplaceable.
  8. I must have missed the joke. What happened again?
  9. Something tells me you don't watch ice hockey.
  10. This girl I first met over a year and a half ago on a chat app messaged me again. I was hoping she wasn't going to go into how she likes taking it up the butt with a strap-on dildo, but, well...yeah. Anyway, I wonder if female goats drink milk from their own teats?
  11. You've clearly forgotten about this monstrosity. (I know it's a parody...probably. It's still just ear-bleedingly awful.)
  12. Yes. Also, lizard-human hybrids.
  13. I'd rather just buy my own ribeye steak and cook it myself.
  14. The ruling class is made up of lizard-human hybrids. Some guy from a documentary I once saw on the National Geographic Channel said so. I know this because I, too, am a lizard-human hybrid. I will soon be your overlord. Bow to me, filthy, pitiful humans! lol People are dumb.
  15. Notre Dame and Northern Illinois is currently tired 7-7 in the first quarter in South Bend. Riley Leonard looks pretty good for the Irish so far. He's been utilizing his legs and showing that he's good as new after last year's gruesome injury, which he suffered as the Duke QB against Notre Dame, coincidentally enough. As for the Huskies, that long touchdown pass looks to have gotten the rest of the team going. They just forced the Irish into a three-and-out.
  16. "What do you mean What We Do in the Shadows is only doing one more season? That's my favorite show!"
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